Hello again! Creative Carmella here, and I am excited to share a beautiful and really simple, DIY personalized teacher gift that you can make in minutes!
Grilled Turkey and Pimento Cheese Sandwich with printable recipe (she: Carmella)
Hey there! I hope you all are well and enjoying spring where you are. My big kids have just finished up their two week spring break and this mama is worn out! They keep me busy, but it’s no secret I love having all of my little birds home with me so it’s sad to see them […]
Add Color to Your Decor on a Budget (she: Carmella)
I don’t know about you, but I am officially over winter! Spring fever is hard to catch with all this cold and snowy weather we’ve had (and I live in the south!) but I’ve started to dream of green grass, flowers, and bright and sunny days anyway.
I love adding a little extra color to our home this time of year, it gives me hope that color is soon to be on they way 🙂 Today, I wanted to share some quick ways to add color to your decor on a budget.
Random Acts of Kindness- 14 Ways to Spread Love this Valentine’s Day (she:Carmella)
Valentine’s Day will be here soon, and although it’s a day that is supposed to be filled with love, it’s a day that can easily turn into a lonely time for lots of people in our world. We might be able to help this just by doing a few random acts of kindness throughout the day! Are you up for the challenge?
This list is just a starting point…. you don’t have to do all or any of these things, any kindness you share will still create a ripple effect and hopefully make others feel loved.
DIY Canvas Art- Turn Kid Art into a Personalized Canvas (she: Carmella)
Hey there, and Happy New Year!! It’s Carmella back again for another year of fun on OSSS. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays too! My kiddos and I have settled into a nice Christmas break routine of lazy, pajama days that have involved lots of crafty projects too. And if you know me, those are my favorite kind of days. 🙂
Our ten year old is our resident artist, she’ rarely ever seen not doodling something. Do you have one of those too??
Today I am sharing how to turn some of those precious doodles into personalized artwork you can hang on your walls… It’s a DIY canvas art project that’s a lot easier than you may think.
Thanksgiving Kids’ Table Idea – Scavenger Hunt (she: Carmella)
Hey there! It’s Creative Carmella here to share some fun ideas to make the kids’ table at Thanksgiving fun! Send the troops out into the yard on a scavenger hunt, and they will find everything you need to decorate! This Thanksgiving kids’ table idea is nice because it gets the kids involved, but out of the house. So you can focus on getting all the yummy treats ready for your meal without worrying what they littlest guests are up to.
Homemade Slime… A Great DIY Kids’ Craft (she: Carmella)
Hello there! It’s Creative Carmella here with you again to share homemade slime with you, which is a simple and fun kids’ craft!
October is here already, and that mean making lots of creepy crafts at our house. This quick kids craft is sure to get lots of oooohhhhs and ahhhhhs!
You will only need a few ingredients to make this super slippery, slime too! To make it even more interactive, I got out a bag of creepy, crawly bugs for the kids to use once the slime was done. Liam has a big fear of bugs of any kind, so I was happy to see him having fun with these. Fingers crossed he realizes that bugs are kind of fun…. well, at least we can hope that he won’t scream whenever he sees one!
Creative Journaling Tips & Printable Writing Prompts (she: Carmella)
Hello again! I am so happy to be back here at Or So She Says to share another creative idea with you all! Did you know that September 22 is “Dear Diary” day?? I’m sure you had your calendars marked, right? Today I hope to get you excited to bring out that journal again with these tip and tricks…
Journaling….. we all know that it’s good for us to get our thoughts and feeling out but sometimes we just get stuck and don’t know what to write about. I’ve come up with creative journaling tips to get you started. These prompts are perfect for any age and all you have to do is cut and paste them in your journal and start writing {or painting} your ideas…
Tin Can Vase for Flowers or Art Supplies (she: Carmella)
Hello again! It’s Carmella from the Creative Carmella Blog! I am so happy to be back here at Or So She Says to share a fun and easy craft project.
I have learned that some of my favorite creative projects have been those that don’t require anything special to make. Only using what I had at home, I made a little tin can vase, perfect for a surprise gift for a friend or to spruce up a drab corner of your house.
DIY Watercolor Printable (she: Carmella)
Hey there! It’s Creative Carmella here again to show you a quick and easy creative project! Today I am going to share my tips and tricks for creating a beautiful, customized, watercolor printable. My kiddos are already out on summer break so it’s only natural that I have been beach dreaming 😉 This watercolor print was very much inspired by that day dreaming!
First, I painted a blend of blues of greens onto watercolor paper. To get the colors to flow and blend together, simply paint a little water on the paper right were the paint will be… this way the blend of colors will flow right into the next.
Family Name Art – Learn This Easy DIY Transfer Trick!
Hey there! It’s Carmella from the Creative Carmella blog and I am happy to be back here at Or So She Says with another easy craft idea for you! It’s DIY painted family name art, which is so nice to have in your home, or to make for someone else as an inexpensive, custom gift.
Today I am going to teach you a transfer trick that will have you painting these like a pro!
DIY No Sew Pillow (She: Carmella)
Hi there! It’s Carmella and I am happy to be back and I’m excited to share this super easy spring project with you all! You only need a few things to make these pillows… and you can leave your sewing machine in the back of the closet where it’s safe from its user, {oh, wait… am I the only one scared of her sewing machine??}. That’s right, this is a no sew pillow you can whip up using a few craft supplies.