Family Valentine's Day tradition on #familyvalentinesday #valentinesday #familynight #familyfun #valentine #printable

Family Valentine’s Day Tradition … FREE Valentine Printable

I don’t want my children to ever grow up feeling that Valentine’s Day is only awesome if you have a “lover.” I want them to always look forward to it. Which is why we call it “Family Love Day” in our family. It’s a day for showing each other love. It’s a day for having fun as a family. This can be done in a variety of ways: A fun breakfast in bed (or just a fun breakfast in general), a fun lunch with cute notes, or a night out on the town. My husband and I like to take the kids and go to dinner. If Valentine’s Day falls on a weekday we will take the kids to dinner and then celebrate as a couple on the weekend.

questions to ask before you buy anything

6 Money Saving Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying (she: Kristina)

Ahh. Black Friday madness has begun early this year! I found myself getting caught up in the ads the other day and I finally had to just change my frame of mind. Yes, you can get good deals over the next few days, but be wise about your purchases and don’t spend more than you…

fun ways to entertain kids in the car

Fun Games for Entertaining Kids in the Car (she: Kristina)

Hey, it’s Kristina from Mother’s Niche. If you’re anything like me, a ride in the car can either give you a little break, or it can make you want to pull your hair out…and it all depends on the behavior of the little rascals in the backseat. Sometimes there really is nothing better than a long drive when it means all of your children are strapped down and unable to tear the house apart. I especially appreciate long drives immediately after a thorough house cleaning.

However, there’s nothing that ruins a car ride faster than squabbling, whining and poking! Here are some fun family games that you can play in the car. Whip them out in desperate moments when you need to distract your children from hunger, bullying, boredom, or even from picking their nose:

DIY Library Card
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Family Library & DIY Pretend Library Card (she: Kristina)

Besides raiding the fridge and climbing everything in sight, my daughter has started getting into imaginary play lately. Since she’s the oldest, I’ve tried to be creative about some things I can make for her.  Last week it was a gas can for her cozy coupe car, and this week I took a stab at…

15 Ways to Save Money on your Utility Bill

15 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bill (she: Kristina)

Hello new friends! This is Kristina from Mother’s Niche and I’m thrilled to be the new Family Contributor here at “Or so she says…” A little about me: I live in Utah with my husband and two adorable little girls. I come from a family of 8 kids originally, but after my mother’s “happily ever after” received some major bumps in the road, she re-married to a man with 7 kids. Did you read that right? Yes, I am now one of FIFTEEN kids. Try and swallow that one! The blend of families has been a great one though and I love each and every one of my siblings. Having a love for family life, I received my degree in Marriage and Family studies and currently blog about motherhood, traditions, and provide printables and projects to make your life as a mother easier!

Moving on…

I’m here to save you money today!