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Search Results for: label/Photography

Wrap Bracelet Tutorial (she: Andi)
Hi, I’m Andi and I’m a stay-at-home momma, a put-on-hold elementary teacher, wannabe photographer, crafter, and adorer of all things vintage antique. I’m a country girl at heart, but live in the big city burbs with my husband and two young[] kids. We love Jesus and love life! Come visit us at The Hollie Rogue…
Blogging Tips: How To Safely Use PicturesThat Aren’t Yours
It’s my opinion that every post needs a picture. Very rarely would you catch me reading a post without one. It’s kinda like reading a book without pictures, who does that?!? Kidding. Pictures bring life to a post, giving the reader an idea of what they are about to read. They help break up the…