Gag Gifts for White Elephant Parties ~
Take an extreme close-up shot of your face, blow it up and print it as 8×10. Autograph the picture and frame it! All your fans will love it.
I dare anyone to eat a 3 pound gummy worm! World’s Largest Gummy Worm
Everyone wants money. Not everyone want to take a shower. Money Soap, the perfect incentive. Choose your denomination.
I just typed something about this Sasquatch Hand, came out a lot dirtier than I intended. Sorry, I erased it. Now, I’ve got you wondering…thinking dirty thoughts.
You know what’s funny? These “Lazy Mop” slippers actually bring in pretty good reviews!
Let’s face it…butts are funny. Animal Butt Magnets ~
I’ve always thought it would be fun to have a Christmas party where ‘ugly sweaters‘ are mandatory. But, they would also be fun for a white elephant gift. Check out this awesomely ugly store!
What are your best ideas for gag gifts??
For more gag gift ideas, check out this past post: Gag Gifts for White Elephant Parties
For gift ideas for everyone on your list, check out the Gift Ideas tab and be sure to pin Gift Idea Central, to keep the whole collection in one place.