3 Hacks for Cleaning Your Fridge

3 Hacks for Cleaning Your Fridge

I don’t give much thought to my refrigerator, unless of course it has some unpleasant odor coming from it (which fortunately isn’t often). And I’ve certainly never used the word “cute” in conjunction with my fridge. But all of that has changed thanks to my new Fridge Coasters. Even better than being cute, Fridge Coasters are extremely functional! They are super absorbent “liners” that come in different sizes to fit all high traffic areas in your fridge. They can easily be wiped down, and are dry to the touch within minutes.

Click ‘full article’ to read all about them and enter to win a set for yourself!

35 Ways to Use Norwex Cleaning Paste – FREE Printable!

35 Ways to Use Norwex Cleaning Paste – FREE Printable!

Let’s talk about ways to use Norwex Cleaning Paste. Basically, it can do anything. I mean, it can remove PERMANANT marker! How freakin’ sweet is that?! I love using my cleaning paste for cleaning my glass-top stove and for whitening grimy grout in my bathroom. It really is so versatile. And it’s environmentally friendly! Check out these ingredients: marble-flour, natural soap, and coconut oil. Safe and simple ingredients that get the job done!

Laundry. Ugh. Is there any other chore that conjures up feelings of riding on the perpetual carousel – around, and around and around, always moving, never making any progress toward an end? Get some hacks today on the blog to change the way you do laundry! www.orsoshesays.com
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3 Laundry Hacks That Will Change the Way You Do Laundry (she: Elise)

I’ve tried “Laundry Day.” I’ve tried breaking it all into 3 days, having a Washing Day, a Folding Day, and a Putting-Away Day. I have a hard time sticking to any of this! What happens when children get sick, or there school events that must be attended? Laundry falls by the way side. That’s what! So I have some hacks for you that have made tackling my laundry a lot easier. I hope it helps you, too!

16 Marvel and DC Comics Bedroom Picks ~ So many good ones!!!
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16 AWESOME Marvel and DC Comics Bedroom Picks ~ She Picks!

My two youngest boys are both dreaming of a Marvel and DC Comics bedroom. I can’t promise that it will happen, but we’ve had a lot of fun checking out all the cool products and handmade goods out there. These are our most favorite, non-cheesy, non-cheap-looking favorites… because you know, sometimes character products tend to lean that way. I’ve included a couple items for baby too, because a Marvel & DC Comics themed nursery would be so rad.

The Good Seed- Help your family better understand the principle of faith with this planting project. Find the idea and free printable on www.orsoshesays.com.
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Faith and A Family Planting Project – The Good Seed (she: Rachel)

I love the Biblical metaphor equating faith to a seed. It is scattered a few different places, but Matthew 13 expands on the concept well (check out Alma 32 if you use the Book of Mormon). Explaining faith as a seed is such a magnificent way to help children understand an abstract spiritual concept. Cultivating faith, indeed choosing faith, is an important value that I hope to pass on to my children.

Tidying Up with Kids - 5 Effective Ways to Motiviate Your Little Ones to Clean Up!
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Tidying Up With Kids – 5 Effective Ways to Motivate Them! (she: Sariah)

As a mama of three crazy busy little men (6, 4, 1), I totally know the joys of encouraging littles to pick up their toys. I’m really just trying to figure it out as much as the next mom. Here is what been working for me so far, hope it can inspire hope and ideas in your own clean up adventures with little peeps.