Let’s get right to it. Yes, I will totally send you a free Book of Mormon without missionaries and this offer NEVER EXPIRES. There’s absolutely no strings attached. Nobody is going to come knocking at your door. You will not be on the ‘Mormon’ radar. You’re totally safe, my friend. I have sent out thousands of Books of Mormon all over the world (40+ countries) and have been doing it for years. There’s no funny business here. I don’t share your address, name, email, etc. It seems to be a common concern from those who email me, so I wanted to get that out of the way right now. Are we good??

Sweet. Okay!

A few things about ordering your free Book of Mormon Without Missionaries …

free book of mormon

Pretty-Please DO NOT Order If …

If you are currently an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am going to KINDLY ask that you NOT email me asking for a package. I use my personal time and money to put together and ship these packages, so it gets kinda pricey and time-consuming.

If you are currently a member of The Church and would like a physical copy of the book, your Bishop has them available. Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind sharing this post, that would be wonderful. Thank you for understanding!!!

If You’re Ready to Order Right Now …

There’s a few things (all below) that I would love to share with you. But, if you need to come back to it later and get this party started, here’s what you need to do.

Email me at [email protected] with your NAME and MAILING ADDRESS.  In the subject line, put something like ‘Book of Mormon Request.’ That’s it. (I will ship anywhere in the world.)

But wait, a few important things before you email your request:

  • Please don’t ask me to ship a book to someone who hasn’t requested it. Too many books have been returned to me from people who don’t actually want them, so it ends up wasting my money. If someone wants a book, I prefer they request it for themselves.
  • Please use your REAL name. I know it’s tempting to give me a fake name, in case I’m tricking you and actually sending missionaries to your house and putting you on a mailing list. I’m not. I don’t know how else to convince you. But, using a fake name can cause issues with shipping and books returned to me. This seems to happen a lot. 😉
  • Please double check your address that it is EXACTLY how it should be written on the envelope I send. Again, too many books have been returned because of an “incomplete” or “incorrect” address. For shipments outside the U.S., please read the next bullet point…
  • For shipments to Africa, Asia, or South America, please include your phone number for me to add to the package. It allows the post office to contact you if they have questions about delivery. I will not ship to these continents without a phone number with the address on the package.
  • I can only send you ONE book. If you want more than one, you can purchase them on the Deseret Book website. I don’t have Bibles, The Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, or study guides available to send out. You can also purchase those on that same site or read them online (see the bottom of this post for info on that.)
  • This offer doesn’t expire. Sometimes I update the post publish date, to help alleviate your fears that I’m not doing this anymore. But, even if this post doesn’t seem super current, I promise… I’ll still send your book out.
  • And again, if you’re a member of the Church already, please ask your local Bishop for a Book of Mormon, rather than have me send you one.

Basically, what I’m getting at is…

I receive multiple requests every single day, which I really LOVE, but I just ask that you respect that this is my personal, family money (a blessing from God) that I am using. Each package costs anywhere from $6 to $30 to send, depending on where it is shipping to. So, I am spending several hundreds of dollars every single month. It’s a lot for me, but it is worth it, because this book is awesome and if approached correctly, will change your life for the better. I know that God will bless me to have the money I need to ship these books for Him. So, don’t hesitate to ask. I just wanted to make sure we avoid being wasteful of God’s money, as much as possible, and following the guidelines above really helps! Thank you!!

And, if you want…

If you want to, I would love for you to share with me, in your email, what prompted you to send your request. It’s always fun to get some insight on where my readers are coming from in life and feel a little personal connection when I send the free Book of Mormon out. But, totally optional. I just love when it happens.

What happens after I get your email…

I respond to every email I receive, but it seems like two weeks is my average email response time… so, don’t think I’m ignoring you! I try to hide from my 7 kids and sit down once a week to catch up on emails.

  • When I email you, I’ll send you my list of awesome resources to help you learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and understand The Book of Mormon better, when you read it.
  • I ship the packages out once a week. I know it can be a bummer to wait, but it makes this project a little more doable, when I can do a bunch at once. However, see below on where to go to learn more while you’re waiting for your package to arrive.
  • Of course, if you would like to have missionaries come, I think that’s awesome. They can give you a free book, teach you more, attend church with you, etc. You can line all of that up at The Church’s website, Come Unto Christ. But, I’m leaving that up to you to take care of. 😉

Wangsgard family

Why Am I Doing This??

Well, I love Christ. I love the scriptures, especially The Book of Mormon. And, I love my family. The world can be so chaotic and disheartening. But, there are a few things that incite true joy, keep me calm, give me direction, bring me hope, and comfort me… and it is THOSE things, in THAT order: Christ, His Word, and my family. I have learned, just from being alive in this world, that those feelings seem to be in short supply. People don’t always know where to find them and are often lonely, angry, confused, bitter, defeated, guilt-ridden, scared, etc. It doesn’t need to be that way. The knowledge of where to find peace and joy has been so valuable to me and my family. I have to share it!

If you are looking for those wonderful feelings, if you want to step away from the negativity, receive some guidance, and feel some peace, let me tell you something… every step you take TOWARDS Christ will bring light to your life. It’s not some hokey made-up nonsense, like some people would have you believe… it’s absolutely true. And, why not test it out for yourself? Like, sincerely test it out… coming at it with an open heart and a true desire to know, and to have what I claim is available. Try it and see how you feel inside. It’s worth any effort. I promise.

There’s a scripture in The Book of Mormon, in the book of Moroni that reads…

“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” Moroni 10:4-5

The super cool thing is you don’t need to blindly believe. I don’t want to convince you. You can know for yourself because God believes you should know for yourself. He knows that you need your own personal witness of what’s true, to truly focus your life correctly. He wants that for you and the truths you need will come from His Spirit. The confirmation won’t come from me, from your neighbor, Google, your pastor/priest/church leader, parent, anyone… it will come from The Spirit, specifically to you. I think that’s a pretty awesome gift from God.

Above, I mentioned taking steps towards Christ. This is a one-step-at-a-time kind of thing and every step counts. Taking steps can be a variety of things: saying a prayer, reading your scriptures, attending church, serving others, and so on. It can even be as simple as sending me an email asking for this free package and desiring to learn more. That’s a step, because The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ over and over and over again! And, when you receive it, take another step and crack it open. Heck, maybe take a double-step and pray beforehand to be guided, while you read, to know whether what you are reading is of God or not. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE TOWARDS CHRIST WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE… a wonderful difference.

Anyway, THAT is why I’m doing this. I want you to have the ultimate joy and peace inside that you crave. When you request your package, I’ll be sure to include some of my more personal thoughts and experience, typed up, about why this is important to me. But for now, I’m going to refer you to this post about the Mormon religion: 10 Reasons I Love Being a Mormon (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I feel like that will give you a little more insight.

A Super Short Introduction …

I’m Mariel. I’ve been running this blog for nearly 14 years. It started out as a blog all about ideas for women, but as my family grew and my mind was focusing more on ‘family,’ I decided to change the focus of the blog to exactly that… FAMILY. ‘Or so she says…’ is all about family ideas and since my religion is heavily family-focused, it only makes sense to share this with you today.

Spending time with my favorite people… my family!

What is The Book of Mormon??

The first video is a simple explanation of The Book of Mormon.

The second video is one of my very favorite testimonies of The Book of Mormon, shared by Elder Holland, an apostle of The Lord. In his video, he will be referencing the murder of The Prophet, Joseph Smith, who was called to translate the ancient scripture plates so that we could read them today (The Book of Mormon.) By denying what he knew to be true, he could have saved his life. He could have save the lives of those he loved and stopped the persecution of his family, whom he loved so much, and all of those who believed in his role. His testimony was sealed by his death.

“So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me falsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation.” – Joseph Smith

Where to Learn More While Waiting for Your Package…

There are lots of places you can find information about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints online. However, a lot of it conflicting. Who is telling the truth?? My suggestion is go to the source… go straight to the websites of The Church. It’s straight-forward and uninfluenced by opinions or experiences, as people are not perfect, inside or outside of the church. Nearly every question you have can be found addressed on one of them: Come Unto Christ (awesome site, geared towards those wanting to learn more) and The Church of Jesus Christ. (a site, mostly used by members of The Church, but has so many great things to learn from!)

Also, The Church has released a series of videos depicting the events in The Book of Mormon. They really bring the scriptures to life, and help you better understand what you read.

Learn About Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

How Do I Order Again??

For this, I’m going to send you back to the beginning of the post for the most detailed information and things to make sure of, before you send your email.

How to Read the Book of Mormon Free Online

You can TOTALLY read the Book of Mormon free online or listen to Book of Mormon audio. There are a couple of great options…

  • The Church’s website, www.thechurchofjesuschrist.org, offers the entire book of scriptures for free to read online, as well as the Bible, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. There is also an option to listen to the scriptures on the bottom right corner of each chapter.
  • If you would rather listen to the scriptures on your phone, I would suggest getting the Gospel Library app. I’ve found that listening to the scriptures is a different experience than reading them. They both add to your understanding in a different way. I like doing both! On the Gospel Library app, you can also access The Church of Jesus Christ’s magazines, hymns, lesson manuals, and videos. It’s an awesome resource.

There are a couple other sites that claim to offer The Book of Mormon online, but I’ve found their sites to be glitchy or unsecured. Once again, I would just go to the source.

Please Help Spread the Word About This Offer…

You can pin this image, or the one at the top of the post. Or, share the post on any social media outlet you use. Help me offer something good online, to help combat the negative! Anything would be appreciated! 🙂

Book of Mormon

A couple last things about receiving a free Book of Mormon without missionaries …

  1. This offer doesn’t expire, unless I say otherwise. So, for now… go ahead an email me to get your free Book of Mormon (instructions shared at the beginning of the post.)
  2. Comments are turned off on all of my spiritual related posts. I’m about kindness and positivity and I want my readers having a good experience while they’re here. Turning off comments helps ensure that is the case.
  3. The beautiful watercolor Christ print in the pictures is from Castel Arts.