primary activities
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101 Latter-day Saint Primary Activity Ideas for Boys

Calling all Primary leaders and teachers! Got a rambunctious bunch of boys to entertain and enlighten? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are 101 LDS Primary activities that will keep those boys engaged, learning, and having a blast. 101 Latter-day Saint Primary Activity Ideas for Boys Action-Packed Adventures Outdoor Obstacle Course: Set up an…

keeping kids quiet in church

How to Keep Kids Quiet in Church ~ Parenting Trick!!

I’m Serene, wife of eight years and mother of five adorable children (whom I contemplate duct taping together only about twice a day.) All in all, I think I’m doing rather well. After relating the story of my kids fist-fighting in church to my mom, she suggested that I start implementing the “three scoop” method…

Joseph Smith history kids
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Joseph Smith History Charades ~ Doctrine and Covenants for Kids

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re about to take family scripture study to a whole new level! Get ready for A Joseph Smith—History Charades and Scripture Chase Challenge that will have everyone racing to their scriptures and shouting out verses with glee! This isn’t your grandma’s scripture study (unless your grandma was a total…

School is in full-swing and your kids may be feeling the pressure by now. Check out the blog today for 12 tips to destress your student! Help them be successful before they're too overwhelmed to do well! Find all the info at

Child Nervous About Starting School? Parenting Tips!

It’s a good time of the school year to check in with your kids. How are they adjusting to the new year of school work? How are things going with friends? How are their study habits? For us, it’s been just long enough to get familiar with the new schedule but still early enough that there is plenty of time for adjustments to prepare our kids for success at school! Reviewing these twelve habits and techniques can ensure that your student is adapting to the rigors of the school year.

God's hands are always reaching out for us. He loves us. He cares for us. This family night lesson will literally help illustrate that point! Get all the details on the blog:
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Trust in God’s Hands Activity for Kids

This Family Night lesson takes the basic concept of the festive paper plate game to the next level. Not only are we going to create some artistic fun, we are going to build testimonies while we are at it! Your family will get to experience the difference between creating a life solo and creating a life with the help of God’s hands.

DIY fort kit

DIY Fort Kit for Indoor or Outdoor Use that Kids Will LOVE!

Hi Everyone, it’s Holly from Bits of Everything!
Do you need an affordable, creative, and fun idea that will keep the kids busy for hours? I have the perfect thing for you! Today we are making a DIY fort kit using PVC pipe. I’ve done a few PVC projects and they are always lots of fun, but my favorite part is that PVC is cheap!
All the supplies you need to make your fort kit is 1/2 inch PVC pipe, pipe connectors, a pipe cutter (the metal sturdy one is best!), duct tape, clamps, blankets (or drop cloths), and a box to store everything in.
If you get the PVC that is 10 feet long, you should be able to get all these fort pieces with 10 pieces of pipe. We also got a variety of connector pieces. Once the pieces are cut, assign a color to each length. Color coding the length like this makes it so much easier when you need the same size pipe – just get the same color!

st George Utah with family
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The BEST 2024 Family Vacation in St. George, Utah ~ Printable Guide!

It can be a tall order to find a vacation location that is beautiful, warm, has a lot to do outdoors and indoors, has amazing food options, and is family friendly. But, St. George fits the bill, PERFECTLY. There’s a reason why families flock to St. George year round, why teenagers head there for Spring…

clean family movies

100 Clean Family Movies ~ Perfect for Family Movie Night!

One of our favorite things to do Sunday evening is have ‘Family Movie Night’ and watch a clean family movie.  It’s a fun little tradition, that comes complete with popcorn and those cheap, chewy, box-mix brownies.  Yum!  In the past, we’ve watched plenty of total duds.  Movies that literally stunk, or movies we THOUGHT we…

feeling peace family lesson

Feeling More At Peace In This Troubled World ~ Family Lesson

I had so many fun ideas bouncing around in my head about what to post for an exciting Christmas Family Home Evening. But, every time I started to write about something festive and fun, I felt prompted instead to talk about finding peace. One of the most beautiful messages of the Savior’s birth is that he came to this world to be the Prince of Peace.