Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God's love, peace, family, and hope. Get the whole lesson on

The Symbols of Christmas Game (& Family Home Evening Lesson)

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God’s love, peace, family, and hope.

These jack-o'-lantern stuffed peppers are so easy and would make the most fun dinner for Halloween night or a Halloween party! See the how-to on today.
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Easy Stuffed Chicken Peppers for Halloween

These jack-o’-lantern stuffed peppers are so easy and would make the most fun dinner for Halloween night or a Halloween party. If you have kids that are old enough, they could even carve a face onto their own pepper! We’re always looking for ways to get our kids involved in the kitchen because they are always more anxious to eat something they helped to create. This is a great recipe to get them involved.

Mother's Day Necklace and Printable on

Mother’s Day Necklace and Printable

Can you believe Mother’s Day is just around the corner? My kids just love making homemade crafts for Mother’s Day. Its always fun to see what they come up with! I’m the type of mom who will proudly wear a noodle necklace and cash in those homemade coupons, and this year I thought it would be fun to make a Mother’s Day necklace with my kids using painted wood beads. I loved how they turned out and they are so simple to make! Moms, grandmas, Aunts or sisters are sure to adore this fun accessory as a gift.

pokemon valentine

Free Pokemon Valentine Printable for Kids ~ Plus Treat Ideas!

I have two boys, completely obsessed with collecting all things Pokemon. What I don’t mind at all about this collection is that it doesn’t need to be a short-lived thing, just for young kids. My 11 year old is collecting, as well as my 20 year old. People of all ages are dedicated to Pokemon…

Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas for Toddlers

Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas for Toddlers

My house has caught the Halloween fever, and yesterday I found my kids pulling out all the Halloween decorations, eager to put them up. The costume catalogs are taking over my daily mail (I don’t mind), and pumpkin porch decorations are popping up all over the neighborhood. If you’ve read my blog, Darling Darleen, you’d know I like to put a personal twist on my kids’ Halloween with homemade costumes. With four kids, I do my best to get creative and make their costumes thrifty and adorably “home” made. But being honest too, they are getting older and do have an opinion in their costumes, what it is and how it looks (boo-hoo, no more family-themed homemade Halloween costumes).