My name is Heather and my little corner of the blog-o-sphere is Twin Dragonfly Designs. I am a Program Coordinator with a passion for Inspiring Creativity. If you grab a seat on the porch, a glass of iced tea and browse around awhile you will find; crazy party ideas, tried and true recipes, epic craft projects and tutorials for just about all of it. Oh and did I mention? I have twin, three year old boys {so they’re involved in pretty much everything}.
I pinned my monster parts onto one of the sides.
orsoshesays says
I love this whole monster craze! These ugly monsters crack me up AND they really are perfect for a monster party! Thanks for a great post, come back any time!
Christy says
Awesome! I’m going to stop asking my boys what theme they want for their parties, because this looks way more fun than what they come up with. I need to make some of those great monsters!
SimplyfunGal says
LOVE this post! I love little boy ideas!!!! Thanks a ton!
Hawkandrea says
do you make and sale these for those of us who are not this crafty?
orsoshesays says
Sign me up, too!