The greatest and best reviewed pillow available is “Z” by Malouf. It perfectly cradles your head, supporting your neck and back. Cozy like a down pillow, but it bounces right back into place. Reviewers go nuts over it, saying it is the “perfect” pillow.
Malouf also wins for the greatest mattress protector. It’s Amazon’s top rated! Check out this product description, crazy stuff:
“Every night your body sheds millions of skin flakes and loses up to one liter of body fulid through your skin pores and mouth. Up to 2 million dust mites can live in your unprotected mattress. Dust mites survivie on dead skin cells and bodily fluids. Allergic reactions are caused by the waste and skin these dust mites leave behind. Exposure to dust mites has been proven to lead to the development of asthma in young children. Allergens produced by dust mites are the most common trigger for asthmatics. Dust mites have been shown to be a leading cause of eczema. LinenSpa mattress protectors cut off the food supply to dust mites, making it impossible for them to survive. The breathable material, consisting of a cotton terry top and polyurethane on the back, maintains a comfortable sleeping temperature and is noiseless.”
Sweet dreams!
camie says
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. This might be the answer to the sheet dilemma at our house!
mub says
I’ve been needing a new pillow for ages… fingers crossed!
Melody says
Oh this would be so nice!!!!
Carly says
I’d love a nice pillow! My cheap target pillow isn’t exactly cutting it these days!!!
Heather says
Both sheets and a new pillow are on my wishlist, thanks so much for posting this great research.
SarahinSC says
I hate those nasty dust mites. Ewwww!
Mindy says
Just thinking about the dustmites is making me want new sheets already! And the pillow!??? Forget it!!! I cannot WAIT to try this pillow!!! Thank you sooo much!!!
Kalynne says
Pick me pick me pick me!!! I’d love both items!
Stefanie says
Funny this is what your post is about today. I spent time yesterday looking at reviews on sheets. I noticed over the weekend a hole is our sheets too.
Stephanie says
Oh how nice these would be let me say I can relate with the hole in the sheets story storywe have been married for 14 years and just last month finally trashed our first set of sheets they were the best sheets ever but we had finally both had wore holes in them at the bottom. We have purchased other sheets but some how always resorted back to these sheets cause we just loved them so we both have been kinda of in a sheet slump not knowing what to do without our good old 14 year old sheets so these may be the anwsers to my prayers literally in finding some good sheets thanks for offering this fun contest and hopefully getting us back to the good old day of having some sheets we love to some this mind sound silly but there is nothing like a good set of sheets and a goodnight sleep to go with it.
Emily says
I would LOVE to win one of these!
Thank you for the chance to win, ’cause I want my dreams to be sweeter!
Alicia says
Can’t wait to get me some new sheets!
Callin and Kristen says
Wow! Awesome giveaway! And those sheets look heavenly. (Could be my 3 month old making me say that.)
bobbi says
That pillow sounds awesome!! I have had a hard time tryting to find a pillow I like (I am a back sleeper) and this looks like the answer!!!
Becca Jo says
Nice. I love nice sheets.
Oh I would so LOVE a new pillow. I was going to buy one but winning one would be even better! 😀
Megan says
I’m looking forward to trying out that pillow! Thanks for sharing all those products, too.
Bowman's Beach says
We just got a new Bed and so these would go so well with it. I am always looking for good sheets! Thank you!
Cara Jones says
I am always on the look out for a fantastic pillow 🙂 and mattress pads are always a plus. Can’t wait to check out the sheets too!
[email protected]
gina says
I would love one of those pillows; looks divine!
Shanna says
They are now. On my Costco list. Thanks so much for the review! 🙂
Nichols Family says
Those sheets look so nice! We don’t have “winter sheets” on our bed right now, and I hate slipping into chilly sheets! And that mattress pad-amazing!
treesy says
those sheets look yummy. Makes me wish I had a new comforter set.
Griff says
I am dying for new bedding. Thanks for the chance to win!!
PJ - Our life says
I love nice warm sheets!!! What do you suggest for summer sheets? My husband definatly needs a new pillow!! Hope we win!!
nelsonjeneen says
I have seen those sheets at Costco and keep trying to convince Troy to get them! I would love a chance to win… put me in. 🙂
the nayz says
My hubby and I are currently shopping for a new mattress and it would be a perfect match if I were to win the pillow and mattress protector.
Allison says
I would love to win!! Those sound so wonderful!
Sara says
Hmmm. Maybe that’s the source of my son’s asthma problems. I hope I win, so we can test it out and see if it helps.
Kristen Taylor says
I have been looking for a new pillow… I HATE our current ones! It would be awesome to give these a try… they sound great!
Jaime says
Oh i would love to win, awesome giveaway!
[email protected]
Jamie says
I could use a new pillow!
Heidi says
Oh my I NEED a new pillow as I have been waking up with a sore neck!! That pillow looks awesome!! And I think I am going to try out those sheets!!
RSCE says
Love this giveaway, yay!
Laura says
Wow! I’d love to win! Keep those pesky dust mites away!!
laura s. says
These sound wonderful!!
Soulwindows says
I need a new pillow..I feel like Goldilocks trying to find just the right one!
Jessica says
Amanda says
This is an awesome give away, hope I win!!!
The Colby's says
Oh, how I would LOVE a new pillow! And we need a mattress protector. This is an amazing give away! Lots of love to you and her for making it possible.
CodynStacey says
I’ve been looking for new sheets ever since ours were in storage and mice peed all over them. Fabulous, I know. Thanks for the reviews!!!
Melody says
I’ve been trying to find the right pillow for my husband…I spent way more on a pillow for him for Christmas than I should have…and it didn’t even work for him. Maybe this z pillow is the thing. 🙂
Wendy says
Wow! Look at ALL the comments. You picked a winner.
Elizabeth says
I am a new follower and love your site. Just looking at all the layers on your bed, made me extremely sleepy and wanting to “fluff” up my bed and just sleep for a good couple of hours. Love your site.
Jessica says
Oh I would LOVE to win this! I need a new pillow so bad. Thank you for the opportunity!!
Craig and Jill says
What a fun giveaway..Keeping my fingers crossed.
SGal16 says
I am ALWAYS looking for a new pillow — must try this even if I don’t win
Laura says
I have been searching for the perfect pillow for years! By the way, I totally relate to the whole husband with killer toenail problem. Ahem. Hope I win!
Linda says
Would enjoy a “Z” pillow!!!!
Jana and Christopher says
I hope that pillow solves back and neck aches.
[email protected]
Barbara says
Thanks for the post. I’d love the pillow and mattress protector! Wow!
jerronscs says
What a great post! It is so hard to pick out great sheets so thanks for the great advice! We are in the process of getting a new bed…any tips on a great bed for people with bad backs? 🙂 We would love a new pillow and mattress protector to start it off right!!! Thanks so much!!
Jennifer says
A new pillow would be great! My old one is making my neck sore every morning. Can’t wait to try the z pillow!
Jen says
Great post! I gotta say…I am DYING to try both those things, especially the pillow! I think my neck pops all day because of my crappy pillow! Help! 🙂
LM says
I just put “buy new pillows” on my “to do” list yesterday – it must be an omen 🙂 That & my sisters & I went to high school with Kacie’s hubby. Fate for sure.
Also laughing b/c my hubby’s scratchy feet tore a hole in some cheap sheets we had a couple years ago & I gave him such a hard time about it!
Cindy says
This is great!
Lisa Hathaway says
AH! I’ve been on the lookout for new bedding and this looks like a winner. All of it, actually. Definitely will be checking out those sheets since we currently have five blankets plus flannel sheets on our bed. Not kidding.
micah folsom photography says
those sheets looks heavenly! and how about that pillow?! hello?! i NEED that!
Marcy says
I would love to win that pillow. Maybe I wouldn’t wake up with a headache everyday.
Rebecca says
Thanks for the tips. Jayson is a human heater so I don’t know if I can get him to buy into the “warm” sheets. I may not give him a choice though! And I’d love to try the “perfect” pillow! THanks!
Andrea B. says
Oh how I need new pillows and a mattress cover, pick me!!
Emily says
Great picks! We just bought a bed and this is a very helpful post.
Michelle says
I love these picks! Makes me want to redo my bed all over again! Pick me!
Callie says
Your posts never disappoint! What a great giveaway!
Jennifer says
Great sheet suggestion! I never know what kind to buy…such an investment for the good ones!!
The redhead says
This is kismet. I was just thinking about how sucky my sleep quality is and I think it’s my pillow or my mattress. But matresses are expensive! So I’ll start with the pillow first.
The Slack Family says
Oh how I could use these! My baby is due in 3 weeks and how I would love to snuggle up in new sheets. Here’s hoping!!
Oklahoma Running Mom says
Remember the time you picked me?? 🙂
Kayli says
Sounds divine.
momof2girls says
Great giveaway! Hope you choose me.
[email protected]
The Jensens says
I would love to win these!! Please pick me. Francene Jensen
Debra says
LOVE our Malouf sheets…but I could always use a new pillow! I’ve heard great things about them.
The Jensens says
I fogot to leave me e-mail [email protected]
Ryanne says
I would love to try the pillow or mattress protector! The reviews were great, I learned a lot. My email is: ryanneslocombe at gmail dot com. Thanks!
Amanda says
oooh, pick me, pick me!
Ally Girl! says
I would love this prize!
Charlotte says
What a great giveaway!
Ryan and Maria says
I’m in love and I haven’t even slept on them YET! 🙂
Christy says
Oh, wow! I’d love to have a pillow that didn’t leave me sore when I get out of bed in the morning!
Leslie says
Yes! Yes! Yes! My husband and I are all things “sleep” fanatics – we would LOVE to try this pillow and see how it ranks with the other 15 on our bed : ) (I’m desperately in search of “the one” – PLEASE be you, pillow giveaway : 0)
Em says
I can be so picky about pillows, I’d love to try this one out!
rebelmom says
A new pillow would be nice…thanks for the info I need to purchase some new bed supplies.
The Hartle's says
I would love some new bed stuff! Love the blog! Thanks for the chance!
Danie says
Oh how I would love to win this! My husband and I were just discussing how we are in serious need of new pillows. You would make not only my day, but his also if I won this. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Heidi says
okay, I am officially buying that pillow, and you know what, I would not mind a new mattress protector to go with it
The Green Family says
I hope I win! And if I don’t I’ll have to buy one myself. Thanks
Josh and Emily says
these are neat
Ross, Amanda, and Sons says
Nice! I really think I need that pillow!
Janell says
I’ve been looking for new sheets so this was the perfect post for me! And hopefully that pillow with be the perfect pillow for me 🙂
balesfamily says
I would love to win these! This makes me want a whole new bedding set!
Valerie says
I would love this stuff. And just in case, I’m saving all the links for future purchases.
Hales Family says
Those sheets sounds amazing! Who isnt freezing at night..I loved all your recommendations.
ajoypetite says
This is a great giveaway. Thanks.
Erin says
I am moving next month and that would be one less thing I have to buy. Thank you for being so generous!
knmkendall says
Thank you for this giveaway! I’d love to have this mattress cover for my very allergic daughter.
Brooke says
AHHHHH!! This is the BEST giveaway, EVER!! PLEASE let me be a winner! Thank you, THANK you!
Aubrey says
I have been looking for a new pillow, it sounds perfect. I hope I win.
Mindy says
I LOVE my fleece sheets! They are the best! I love crawling into bed and feeling totally warm right away. I love the idea of the mattress protector too. My husband has chronic nose and lung problems and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if our bed was part of the problem. I’d love to win one! 🙂
Elizabeth says
thanks for this post, i’ve been wondering where i should buy my next set of sheets! of course, i’d also love to win!
Lichelle says
Ahhh, I hope, I hope I hope I win!!!
The Airharts says
Great info! Would love to have a mattress protector-I feel like I have been sleeping in dirt my whole life now…haha.
Jaci says
My pregnant self would LOVE a nice set of bedding like this! Please pick me!!
Trimble says
Sounds fabulous! adia79 at hotmail dot com
Lady Jennavieve says
Oh my goodness. Drooling now! I’m getting married in two months, and while we have a bed lined up, we don’t have any bedding at all! D:
Mandi says
That’s awesome! I want!
s.k.i.p. says
Pick me! I sooo need a new pillow!!!
Charlene says
Thanks for the great giveaway! I would LOOOVEE a new pillow!
Stacee Maree says
Oh heavens I need that! It’s not just a want, it’s a desperate need!
Joshua and Cameron says
That would be awesome! I would love that!
Amy says
I would LOVE to have a new pillow!!!
FrouFrouBritches says
Oh, yes please. I desperately need a good new pillow!
Tanilee says
Helps fight allergies?? Yes please!
Callie says
Would it help me win if I said “pretty please??” =) Thanks for a GREAT giveaway! I’ve wanted one of these for forever!
[email protected]
mel says
Ok that pillow sounds awe-some!
T says
I’ve worn out my fair share of sheets with my rough heels… (can’t even blame it on ManOfTheHouse – it’s me…) thanks to a few months of some wonder-lotion I have great hope that I can finally put a decent set of sheets on the bed and keep them in good shape.
The pillow has me drooling though… I love good pillows!!
Hannah says
Would love a new pillow!!
Nanny says
What a generous giveaway! I love all the bedding in the post. My wish list just grew but my pockets are empty.
Candise says
Looks cozy…I have wondered about those sheets!
Lunachance says
I have to laugh as I repaired a bottom sheet today – the cat used his claws to make a nice 4″ hole in the sheet and I was being too cheap to replace the sheet set… I also have to praise the mattress pad heater as one of the best inventions in the whole world 🙂
Cheers to all and this generous give away,
Queen Bee says
So, this is embarrassing, my husband hated the last sheets I bought so much that in the middle of the night he tore the sheets out from under himself and slept on the quilted mattress pad…I woke up with a “sheet hoodie”. I deserved it…I need to redeem myself. LOL
BJ_Mama says
AWESOME! Pick me! And this post was hilarious, BTW. “That was nice!” LOL!
Andrea Holley says
Oh, I need a new pillow! Can a pregnant lady ever have too many?! Seriously though, I have been looking for something like this. Awesome.
Suzanne says
Love your blog…..
Melissa says
I have been hunting for the perfect pillow! Would love to win this! Thanks!
Rebecca says
Thankgoodness for deadly toenails, huh?:) I would LOVE to win!! Thanks!
Lalabowers says
What’s up with husband’s who don’t want to change sheets, they sleep on them too. I definitely could use a new pillow. My current pillow has seen better days!
lsmith says
Every pillow I buy ends up sucking….I will be having a baby soon and could sooo use a new pillow to help my few hours of sleep be a little more comfortable!!
Katie says
Thanks for the tips on the sheets, I never know which ones to get. Now I need suggestions for silky summer ones! Great give-a-way too!
KT says
I need new sheets! Thanks
Madsen Updates says
you have no idea how bad I want all of these….
phasejumper says
We are in the (long)process of redoing our master bedroom and winning this would be perfect! B
Marie says
Great giveaway! I would love to win!
Amy says
I Need this pillow! I already ordered the sheets…so excited for them! I get headaches at night if I don’t have a great pillow, so here’s to hoping I win and it helps:D
Cynthia says
that pillow looks like it belongs on a spaceship! I like it! And sheets are awesome. My fave place to be is in bed. ALONE! LOL
Megan says
umm hello! YES PLEASE! amazing giveaway. *fingers crossed* I win! Im already thinking about the yumminess of my bed with them… sweet dreams here I come!
Kim says
Awww… there is nothing like climbing in bed with new sheets. I would love a chance to win. Thanks
Toone Family says
who doesn’t need new sheets! [email protected]
Midori says
My bed needs a make over. Thanks for the sheet suggestion!
Trudi says
Thanks for all the info, it’s so hard to find great sheets and our beds need a good make over. Thanks Mariel.
Heidi says
Those look awesome! Thanks Mariel!
Kara says
Hmm I need new sheets, I might have to invest!!!
Marianne says
I just love your reviews. When I go to purchase, I always look for one of your reviews. Your research is always thorough and informative. I’ve never been disappointed with any purchase you suggested. Thanks for all the hard work.
julie says
OOOOOHhhHHHHHH please! Pick me!
Julie Thurgood Summerhays says
I have had an amazing pillow but alas, it is getting too old and not so great anymore – would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that pillow – it looks like my shabby old one but new!!
Karyn says
I have fleece sheets too. LOVE them! I would love back and neck support in a pillow. Mine doesn’t have that. A new pillow and sheet protector would be much appreciated!
Bishop Family says
I would love to win these. I have been needing new sheets. Good to know what others recommend.
Cristi says
These would be great. I need new sheets so bad.
Cindy says
Oh, I hope I win!!
Tara and Ricky says
I’m fairly sure the biggest argument in my marriage is about me putting my freezing cold feet on my hubby. These sheets may very well save my marriage!:)
Kassi Luck says
I am a friend of the Malouf’s and I have to say, not just cause they are our friends, but there sheets, sheet protectors are the BEST. I havent had a chance to try out the pillows yet but I am sure they are the best too.
Stephanie says
I was just looking for sheets and mattress protector for my guest beds. Thanks for the info. . . and it would be awesome to win. You know if you ever want to take a trip back to BA, you could try them out!
Kjersti and Mark Helberg says
That pillow would be amazing!! 🙂 My husband got a nice pillow from his parents last year (memory foam) and I still have my old lame one i’ve had for years and years! If I won the pillow I could stop stealing his any chance I get 😉 haha
Kate says
Pick me pick me! If you knew about my husband’s night sweats you would surely take pity on me and just hand the dang thing over asap.
Oh and Court has the sharpest deadliest toenails too. Stupid gross men.
Lisa says
Oh to have a good nights sleep after taking care of six kids and a wonderful husband would be a luxury to behold. This would be a great win!!
Thanks for sharing!
Anne says
I really want this pillow…I’m sure my current pillow is the culprit behind the neckaches I’ve been getting lately!
the Gardners says
Count me in! michelle (at) funonadime (dot) net
Connie Babe says
okay…i’m entering…now good luck in picking me!
Angela says
I want to win! I was just thinking I needed a new matress protector.
Jan says
Love your blog!!
ME says
If I won a new mattress protector, it would be just the excuse I need to buy a new mattress!
Mary Ellen
KHad says
I would love these!
Finn says
there is NOTHING like an amazing pillow/sheet/blanket, cosy bed set-up. hopefully i can stay in bed all day!
Momma On The Run says
I had no clue about the dust mites and them leading to asthma and, eczema. Both of which my oldest son has. I will be looking into purchasing the mattress protector for sure if I don’t win. I’d love a new comfy pillow too! I am such a pillow snob :)Thank you for the giveaway!
KellyAnne says
Crossing my fingers– these would be so awesome!
Michelle says
I NEED a new pillow. And your description of this one sounds perfect!
Lynette @ My Craft Discovery says
I so would love a new pillow!