Way back when, in France, about 1582, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Ha! Wouldn’t you like to think I was that dumb!?! I kicked butt in 1st grade! So anyway, in 1582 the calendar system was changed by Pope Gregory XIII (hence, the Gregorian Calendar). Previously, the new year was celebrated starting March 25 until April 1st. When the calendar was changed the new year began on January 1st. Word traveled slow in those days, so many people didn’t find out for a while about the new system. Other people were set in their ways and refused to accept January 1st as the first day of the year. So, there were still people celebrating up until April 1st! What a bunch of fools! The local folk decided to make them feel even more like the morons they were by having them complete “fools errand,” which are essentially pranks. Anyway, the tradition caught on and here we are today acting like complete fools. I love it.
1. Get an empty cereal box and frost it like a cake. Serve.
2. Make a fake chore chart for the kids with intensely hard chores. Present it with the hubby to the kids and act completely serious. (get a toothbrush and scrub all the shoes in the house, organize the food pantry in alphabetical order, memorize 2 pages of the dictionary daily).
3. Put a letter in the mailbox pretending it is from your kids teacher. The letter states how disruptive and unruly your child is and that summer school is recommended.
4. Put a raisin inside a napkin. In your other hand pretend you just whacked a fly with the swatter. Go to pick up the fly with the napkin and then eat the raisin (fly).
5. Get a fake letter from the orthodontist saying your child will need to have their braces an additional 3 years.
6. Have someone hide in the trunk of your car (don’t forget about them). Send the kids out to get the “groceries”.
7. Hide the baby monitor in your kids room. At night, make monster/alien noises in the other end
Computer Prank Instructions, here.
There are so many gross food things that you can do to make certain foods look like other foods. But frankly, I don’t like to eat gross food or spend my precious time preparing something my family won’t eat. I would much rather do something silly that still tastes good! I was thinking it would be fun to do…
For dessert (not mini) try dirt cups! Get clear glasses and fill with layers of chocolate pudding, crushed oreos, whip cream and brownies (or any other combo of sinful goodness). Insert a gummy worm inside the “dirt”.