As for me, I’m a huge foodie; a serial hobbyist; a lover of nature, literature and music; and a seeker of knowledge. These are the things that have sculpted my character throughout my life, and they are the things that make me the perfect Mother for my boys. They have also influenced my selections for today’s list!
Gift Ideas for Women:
Alright, you guys. I’m about to blow your minds with a few of my favorite gift ideas for this Mothers’ Day. When Mariel invited me to do this guest post I thought to myself, “Dude, this is going to be a piece of cake.” It actually ended up being much more difficult than I had anticipated because I love so many things! Narrowing it down to 7 was a tall order, so you can rest assured that whatever made the cut is the business.
Let’s be real, the only thing I really want is a nap, but I’m hoping our husbands will all exercise a little intuition and offer that in addition to whatever else we get. So, I’m leaving it off the list 🙂
1. Teavana Cococaramel Sea Salt Herbal Tea. I tried some herbal tea from the grocery store several years ago and was totally unimpressed. As a result, I left the stuff alone until I happened upon a Teavana store a few months ago. They had samples all over the place and I’m not one to turn down free stuff, so I ventured in. The rest, as they say, is history. I have been totally converted and now have an impressive collection of loose-leaf teas in my pantry. The cream of the crop: Cococaramel Sea Salt. It’s like gourmet hot chocolate, except there’s no sugar and nothing artificial at all! Oh, and it’s great for regulating sugar cravings if you’re in the mood for something sweet! ($4/oz)
2. Daddy Long Legs. Old school romance and glamour. This is a musical, so it’s innately awesome. Don’t even get me started on Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron! The story is so sweet and the music and dancing is phenomenal. It’s one of my all-time favorite movies. ($12)
3. LUSH Seanik Shampoo Bar. Everything from LUSH is all-natural and eco-friendly. Their shampoo bars are great for your hair and they smell absolutely fantastic! It may seem a little pricey for a tiny bar of shampoo, but it goes a LONG way. I’ve been using mine since September and there’s plenty left! There are a bunch of options for different hair types, but I use Seanik because it makes my hair smell delicious. ($12)
4. Wiggle Dress from ModCloth. I mean, look at it. ($162–My husband and children can’t afford gifts in this price range, but if yours can–consider sending one my way. K, thanks!)
5. Moby Measuring Cups from Anthropologie. Because, it’s important to have cute kitchen utensils. Especially if you spend as much time in there as I do. ($34)
6. Any or all of the Decorative Hardback Penguin Classics collection. Not only are the Penguin Classics choice pieces of literature, their decorative hardback collection is like bling for your bookshelf! ($10-$300)
7. Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker. I’m a health nut in that I want to be healthy and recognize the importance of staying active and treating your body well, but I have almost no sense of self-motivation. I love the idea of tracking my daily activities, making myself more mentally aware of my actions and being able to see and celebrate my progress without any additional effort on my part. Genius!! ($60)
Hopefully some of these items tickled your fancy! I’m a sucker for handmade gifts, so I’ll be doing a Mother’s’ Day gift post on those in a few days over on my blog. Come check it out at Wonderfully Balanced! Happy Mothers’ Day!
For gift ideas for everyone on your list, check out the Gift Ideas tab and be sure to pin Gift Idea Central, to keep the whole collection in one place.