7 Christmas Gifts I Bought for Myself This Year and LOVE

7 Christmas Gifts I Bought for Myself This Year and LOVE

Hey everyone!! With 7 kids, you can probably imagine that I’ve been shopping my brains out, trying to get things in order for Christmas. With that said, it’s kinda hard to not stumble on some amazing things that I want for myself. Some of them end up on my ‘Wish List,’ but others “accidentally” end up in my shopping cart and then at my front door. So weird how that happens.

Gifts for Women ~ She Picks! 2017 Gift Guide #shepicks
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Gifts for Women ~ She Picks! 2017 Gift Guide

It’s week 2 of our most popular series of the year… She Picks! This Christmas gift guide has been in the works for months. Lots of research goes into each of these picks and we really think each one of them would make a fabulous gift idea. Plus, there are lots of bundle ideas too, if you’re the type to include a little something with the main gift. We’ve got you covered, my friends. Enjoy another week of She Picks!


This 'Yoga for Busy Moms' online class is sooooo perfect for me!
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Online Yoga Class for Busy Moms ~ 75% Off for Readers!

Friends! Have you ever wanted to try your hand at yoga?? I know I have! In fact, I have a little brother on an LDS mission, who LOVES yoga. Before he left, he made me promise that I would learn yoga and be able to show him a “sweet yoga move” by the time he gets home. Eeeek!

That promise, coupled with the fact that two of my brothers are in film production (they’re amazing) and my blog assistant, Liv, is also a yoga instructor, gave me an AWESOME IDEA! We put our heads together and decided to create a Yoga for Busy Moms online class, right in my own home.

Gift Ideas for Women ~ She Picks! 2016 www.orsoshesays.com
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Gifts for Women ~ She Picks! 2016 Gift Guide


It’s here!!! Our SHE PICKS! Gift Idea Series is the biggest event of the year, here on ‘Or so she says…’. We scour the internet, looking for the latest and greatest products. Our professional product-pickers have found some AWESOME gifts that we know will be perfect for you and those you’re shopping for. Happy Holidays!

5 Best Places to Buy Maternity Clothes
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5 Best Places to Buy Maternity Clothes

So, let’s just put this out there… I’m currently pregnant with my 7th child and it was a total surprise.  I had actually given away all of my maternity clothes that I had collected on my 6-baby-way.  I really, really thought I was done!  But, God had something else in mind for me.  This little girl coming my way is meant to be and we can’t wait to meet her. There are actually 7 kids in my family and 7 in my husband’s family, so it’s kind of fun to carry on the tradition.  We love big families!

Anyway, back to my point.  Maternity clothes.  I’ve bought sooooo many over the past 15 years and now I’m buying them all over again.

AWESOME Gift ideas for women!! ~ She Picks! 2015 ~ The biggest 'Or so she says...' gift idea series of the year!

Gifts for Women ~ She Picks! 2015 Gift Guide

Welcome to week #2 of She Picks! 2015!! The BIGGEST and MOST POPULAR ‘Or so she says…’ event of the year!!! Every week day for this week and next, you’ll find Mariel’s top picks for gifts, that she’s been working on all year. You’re sure to find some fab gifts for everyone on your list! Be sure to check out the picks from this past week too!

Today’s Picks: Gifts for Women

I always look forward to these monthly posts! Mariel's 5 Favorite Things for the Month ~

Mariel’s 5 Favorite Things for November ~ She Picks!

Happy November, friends! I hope everyone is doing great. We have some fun things coming up for the holidays…

First, the annual and AMAZING She Picks! gift idea series starts at the end of this month, giving you 3 full weeks of my favorite picks for the holidays. It’s always the most popular time of year on the blog and I have a lot of fun sharing the awesome finds I’ve been collecting throughout the year.

Second, I’m introducing a new series on the blog, starting December 1st…


17 Must-Have Kitchen Products for Everyday Chefs (she: Mariah)

Before I got married, I didn’t have much in the way of kitchen supplies. I think I had a couple bowls and a spoon to my name. And then, of course, I got a bunch of Tupperware and cookie sheets and rice cookers for my bridal showers and wedding. Yet, even after all that, I still feel like there are some products out there that I still need and that would love to have. That’s why I consulted the trusty ‘Or so she says…’ Facebook fans! Here are some great kitchen products that come highly recommended from the best ladies in the world!

25 Ways to Use the Norwex Travel Cloth
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25 Awesome Ways to Use the Norwex Travel Cloth

So, now that we’ve established that the Norwex EnviroCloth is freakin amazing (see The Best Cleaning Cloths in the World)… what’s cool is that Norwex makes the EnviroCloth in mini size, a.k.a. the Travel Cloth.  I was just recently involved in a fun group thread where everyone was sharing their most favorite ways to use…