There are lots of ideas online of ways to ask to school dances, but what about ways to ANSWER to school dances?? ‘Or so she says…’ to the rescue! My oldest son is a sophomore and just got asked to his first school dance, the Fall Ball. The girl that asked him did it in such a cute way. Now, it’s his turn to answer. It sounds like the ‘answering’ part isn’t a tradition in all states, from what I’ve gathered. But, it definitely is a tradition here in Utah. Simply saying ‘yes’ is way too boring. It needs to be clever and fun, and we’ve had lots of fun coming up with these 25 creative ways to answer to school dances. I hope they help you out! If you’ve answered in a neat way, be sure to share in the comments!
COKE/MINT MENTOS (Combined, they fizz/explode.): I would have a “blast” with you at the dance. Yes!
POPCORN: I’m glad you “popped” the question. Yes!
FILL CAR/ROOM/LOCKER WITH ROCKS & POP ROCKS: Going to the dance with you would “rock!”
BASKETBALL: I totally “scored” getting asked by you. Yes!
BEAR: I couldn’t “bear” the thought of going with anyone but you. Yes!
BALLS: I’m bouncing off the walls excited to go with you. Yes!
SWEET TREATS: It would be “sweet” to go with you! (These grapefruit gummies are so yummy!!)
BOXER BRIEFS: I’ll be brief… Yes!
SODA: I would be “soda-lighted” to go to the dance with you!
GUM: I’m so happy you would “chews” me. Yes!
HIGHLIGHTERS: It would be the “highlight” of my life to go to the dance with you!
R/C CAR: (Where your date can’t see you, drive the car to them with the ‘Yes’ message attached.)
DONUTS: I “donut” want to go to the dance with anyone but you. Yes!
DUMBBELL: I’ve been “weighting” for you to ask me. Yes!
TOY ARMY FIGURES: It would take an army to keep me from saying yes!
CHICK-FIL-A: There’s no chick I would rather go with. (Or, ‘this “chick” would love to go!’) * Would be really fun with a stuffed cow!
SNOW: (Using a spray bottle of colored water, spray ‘Yes’ really big in their yard.
ULTA PRODUCTS/GIFT CARD: You would be the “ulta-mate” date. Yes!
BAG OF PEAS SPRINKLED ON PORCH: I got so excited you asked, I “pead” on your porch!
RUBBER DUCKY: I’m one lucky duck that you asked me. Yes!
SUCKER/LOLLIPOP: The dance would “suck” with anyone but you. Yes!
RAISINS: I can’t think of a single “raisin” not to go with you. Yes!
PIZZA DELIVERED TO THEIR HOUSE: (Have ‘YES’ written in pepperoni.)
GOLDFISH CRACKERS IN AQUARIUM BOWL: Of all the fish in the sea, I’m so happy you asked me. Yes!
HANDMADE BOOK ’10 Reasons I Would Love to Go to the Dance with You.”
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