Seven months ago I did a post Cleaning As Easy as 123…., It’s been one of my favorite posts because everything in it has made my life easier, less stressful and happy! I started doing it when Nick and I were first married, (8 1/2 years ago) so it’s a no brainer for me. For everyone else just learning it or hearing about it, it may seem a bit overwhelming. What am I rambling about? It’s this wonderful book called Sink Reflections by Maria Cilley. This post is for any woman working outside the home, inside, part-time, homeschooling, or anything else!
For moms with a busy full time job, they realize how important every minute of the day can be. (As do SAHM’s) Working outside the home, coming home and doing all of the laundry and household chores is overwhelming but you can do it!
Being unorganized is a vicious cycle. We’ve all found ourselves in one of these situations. It’s 6:00 pm and you have no clue what’s for dinner. You’re too tired and hungry to start dinner, so you pile the family into the car and head to the nearest drive-thru. No wonder you can’t lose the weight or can’t pay the bills.
No clean laundry. You forgot about the load you put in the washer last night, so they’re still wet, or the dryer stopped and they weren’t quite dry and now they are sour smelling. The baseball uniform is in the bottom of the basket- it just slipped your mind.
You can’t find the car keys, the longer you look the later you are, and the more stressed you get.
Get out of this cycle by learning one habit at a time. You will be in control of your schedule instead of constantly “putting out fires” and feeling like you’re not getting anything done.
Start with a Bedroom Routine.
1. Lay out your clothes for the next day. Teach kids to do this also.
2. Put everything you are going to need tomorrow beside the front door.
3. Check your schedule to see where everyone will be at dinner time, and get an idea of the weather so you can choose clothes accordingly.
4. Find your purse and keys and put them by the front door.
5. If most everyone is going to be home for dinner, pull something out of the freezer, and put it in the fridge. Don’t forget the side dishes. (You don’t have to make them now, just think ahead)
6. Make a to-do list or a grocery list if you need to pick up a few items on your way home or during your lunch.
7. Get everyone that can to shower before bed. That way in the morning you just need to wash or wet hair to style it. This saves a ton of time.
8. Go to bed with your kitchen clean and straight as possible and your sink shining.
9. Go to bed at a decent hour.
10. Make sure you set your alarm so you get up at least 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the family.
I might get my clothes dirty before I leave for work.
Put on a smock or an apron- my grandma does, and she’s smart.
The baby has to nurse before I leave.
Get as dressed as possible, including hair and makeup and pantyhose. Put on a robe, then when the baby is done, get dressed- it only takes a few minutes. Or feed the baby while you are both in your jammies and then get dressed. What a great way to start the day!
I have to get our lunches ready.
Try and do this the night before. It’s great to do it while cleaning up from supper- one mess to clean.
I can’t get dressed in 15 minutes!
Well now you can because you won’t be trying to iron your shirt while it’s on in the morning, because you will have done it the night before!
This post, is pretty brief, but after you get these habits down, check out the more detailed post here, and you will be a more loving, patient and sweet mom! (Not that you aren’t already!)
I’d love to hear what has worked for you!
~ Jessica