Hey! It’s Brooke from Blissful Roots. Summertime means garden time for our family. My husband and I both grew up in families that planted a garden every summer (which I am very grateful for!). I guess you can say it’s in our blood. Do you garden? I don’t want to spend this entire post on a gardening soap box, but I can’t tell you the number of benefits that come from having your own garden. My boys (and myself) have learned work, patience, you reap what you sow, the miracle of a tiny seed, the beauty of nature, enjoying the fruits of your labor, living off the land, being self-sufficient, and much, much more. It’s work, but magical!
Okay, enough of my gardening soap box! What I’d really like to share today are some of our favorite garden books for kids. I can’t say I really plan out themes for my boys all summer long, but I do like to build upon what we’re already doing. I love having great books to go along with the summer activities we do. And let me tell you, gardening takes the whole summer. Not all day, every day, but once again, you reap what you sow.
So, in no particular order, here are some of our favorite garden-themed books we pull out to read this time of year. Not to say we don’t read some of them more often, but for sure during the summer.

Do you recognize any of those titles? I really encourage you to take the time to find some of these books at your library this summer, or I believe books are always a great investment, so maybe you want to buy a few to add to your collection. I do love all of these books, but if I had to choose a favorite it would be Tops and Bottoms (click on the link to watch the story on YouTube). Such a fun, witty story!
And now, if you’ll humor me, a few more pictures to convince you to try out a garden this year. And no, I don’t have triplets (twins, but not triplets). The first two pictures of my twins are from several years ago, but they’re some of my all-time favorites, so I had to post them. Honestly, some of my most cherished summer memories with my boys come from the garden! Not only is it fun to work together, enjoy the garden, and have your kids eat organic raw veggies by the handful, but you’ll get pictures of your kids you can’t get anywhere else.
Garden. There’s magic in the dirt!
Okay, off my gardening soap box for the last time, I promise!
Happy planting and reading. The countdown is on to summer vacation. Reading and gardening are two wonderful ways to keep your kids busy, working, learning, and happy this summer.
And stop by and visit me at Blissful Roots for our favorite recipe (Kool-Aid Slushies) for staying cool all summer, a free Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime printable, and our family’s favorite backyard game, Builders and Bulldozers (which I shared here last year).