My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students
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My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students

Last year, in homeschool, we studied The Revolutionary War, the entire time. It was awesome and we learned a ton (yes, me too!) Since we went through lots and lots of books and movies about the Revolutionary War, we found some that we absolutely loved and some… not so much.

Come check out our favorites! Whether you homeschool, teach public school, or simply want to add some great books to your kids collection, these are for you. All tried and true!

10 Tips for Starting a Book Club in 2022 ~ From a Seasoned Member!!

10 Tips for Starting a Book Club in 2022 ~ From a Seasoned Member!!

If you’ve been reading this awesome blog for a while, then you’ve read many references made to “Dan”, Mariel’s husband. Well, I’m his slightly older (and much less hairy) sister, Rebecca, here to share my best tips for starting a book club that’s fun and successful. I live across the country from my brother, sister-in-law,…

25 Book Club Favorites ~ suggested from book club members! #bookclub #books

25 Favorite Book Club Picks

Who doesn’t love curling up with a good book?! I used to read a lot before I got married and popped out a baby… It’s crazy how caught up you can get in your “To Do” lists and appointments and kids’ soccer practices and never really take any time for yourself. I think finding time to sit down, relax, and read a great book every once in a while could keep us all from becoming stressed-out-groucho-moms and wives!

So to assist you in your efforts to find stress-relief we thought we’d ask some actual book club members (from the ‘Or so she says…’ Facebook page) what their favorite book choices have been and share them with all of you

No matter where you live there's a good chance you have some type of library to take advantage of. Libraries are a great way to entertain the whole family for free! See why your family NEEDS a library card:
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Why Your Family NEEDS a Library Card (she: Brooke)

I have to say we enjoy our time in the library as much as we enjoy the books we check out to read at home. Next time you’re in need of a time-filler, or even a Friday night activity hit up your local library. Find a cozy corner with a stack of books and just read! Then get another stack to check out and take home with you. So many books, so little time!! Happy reading!

Christ Centered Christmas Books
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Christ-Centered Christmas Books to Read With the Family This Year! (she: Mariah)

I’ve been looking for fun ways to bring a little more meaning into my family’s Christmas this year. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the presents and shopping, and to forget what we’re really celebrating this time of year!

I plan on looking into those more next year when my little man is a little older and can understand more, but for now Christ-centered Christmas books are going to be my main focus. He loves being read to! Plus, it’s never too early to start teaching your kids about Christ, the nativity story, serving others, and the spirit of Christmas.

Favorite Products for Teaching Kids About Slavery and the Civil War

Favorite Products for Teaching Slavery and the Civil War to Kids

So for last year’s homeschool, we studied slavery and the Civil War… all year long.  That’s how I love doing history.  We just take a small portion of time and spend the whole year really getting in-depth.  This year we’re doing the Industrial Revolution, Great Depression, and World War I, so you can plan on…

Children's Books Your Kids Need on Their Bookshelf

Children’s Books Your Kids NEED on Their Bookshelf (she: Mariah)

I think there’s something totally awesome about children’s books; great illustrations, funny voices, silly characters. I think the best part about them, though, is that they can hold memories. I have a few books that I read to my son that my mom used to read to me, and every time we read them it’s like I get taken back in time! I remember the voices my mom used to use at certain parts of the books, all the feelings I used to feel as she turned the pages, and what pages were my favorites that I loved to linger on.

Color By Number – Summer Family Fun (she: Brooke)
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Color By Number – Summer Family Fun (she: Brooke)

Who remembers and loves color by number? Some of my earliest memories as a little girl are of me waking up WAY before my parents were wanting to, and my mom handing me the crayons and coloring books. I still remember my preschool-aged little self sitting in the dimly lit, quiet house coloring while everyone else slept. Funny how things stick with you. I’m still an early-riser, and I still LOVE to color!

5 novels for spring

5 Novels for Spring – Add These to Your Reading List! (she: Victoria)

Last month I shared some of my favorite reasons of why I love my local library so much. This month to go along with my favorite past time of reading, I wanted to share with you 5 novels for spring, which are some of my favorite books that I have personally read and loved over the years.

These are the novels that have stayed with me long after I turned the final page. The stories that made me disappointed to learn there was no sequel or continuation. That’s what makes a good story though, the development of characters and the words so well written, you feel like you are actually there taking part in the story yourself.