So, you’re curious about the Mormon Church, officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Maybe you’ve heard whispers about strict rules, unusual beliefs, or that Mormons are just, well, different. Let’s dive in and see what’s what.
Is the Latter-day Saint Church Really That Strict?
Before we get going too much further, I just wanted to clarify that members of the church have asked to be referred to as “Latter-day Saints” or “members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” The term “Mormon” was a nickname given to members in the 1800’s because of the ancient prophet, Mormon, who compiled and abridged the records several hundred yeas before Christ. The resulting book is called The Book of Mormon (want one for free??) The nickname was given to members of the church by the mobs and people in Illinois and Missouri who wouldn’t tolerate the religion in their midst. They eventually pushed the saints to leave and murdered the prophet Joseph Smith, among others. So…. you can see why using the term “Mormon” is something to advance past. But also, members of the church like to focus on Christ and their devotion to Him. The full name of the church is a better reflection of their life focus. And this is coming from myself, a life long and active member of the church… 45 years now!
Some of the main things that Latter-day Saints abstain from:
- Word of Wisdom: This is a health code revealed to the Church’s founder, Joseph Smith, back in the 1800s. It prohibits things like coffee, black or green tea, alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. It is NOT true that members of the church cannot drink caffeine.
- Law of Chastity: Premarital sex is a no-go, and after marriage, intimacy is reserved for your spouse.
- Tithing: Members are encouraged to donate 10% of their income to the Church.
Not abiding by those commandments of God will keep members of the church from being able to enter their own temples. They can still attend church and if/when they get their life back on course through proper repentance, they can have their temple recommend renewed. This is important because God has asked that no unclean thing enter His house. It is out of respect to God and an effort to keep the temple a sacred place where His spirit can dwell, revelation can be received, and peace can be found. Now, to some people, this might seem super strict. But to many Latter-day Saints, this is what God has asked, and it is up to us to align our will with His. Being able to walk into one of those beautiful temples is the most amazing experiences there is. To be somewhere that is truly an “escape from the world”… filled with people who love God, are doing His work, and actively seeking His guidance.
Members are not expected to keep all of the commandments perfectly, but they are asked to try and then try again, and again. They see their church as a place for sinners to come and ‘try again’ together. They encourage each other, teach the words of God, and try to recognize that we are all going to fail sometimes, but it’s part of growth and allowing God to work miracles in their life. Repentance is a BEAUTIFUL gift.
Dallin H. Oaks, a leader in the Church, has said, “The commandments and covenants of the gospel are not restrictive. They are liberating.” The idea is that by choosing to live this way, members find greater freedom and happiness in the long run. Commandments truly do offer protection from addiction, broken families, and many of the other painful experiences that we, as humans, tend to inflict upon ourselves.
Beyond those well-known guidelines, there are other things that sometimes get labeled as “strict.” These can be a bit more nuanced and even vary depending on individual interpretation and cultural context:
- Sabbath Day Observance: Sundays are set aside for worship, rest, and family time. Many Latter-day Saints avoid shopping, working, or engaging in recreation on this day that distracts from their family and the Spirit.
- Modesty: This applies to clothing choices, with an emphasis on avoiding an attitude of intentionally using your body to seek meaningless validation or encourage sin.
- Media Consumption: Members are encouraged to be mindful of the movies, music, and books they consume, choosing uplifting and positive content.
- Word Choice: Profanity and taking the Lord’s name in vain are discouraged.
It’s important to note that these things aren’t always black and white. There’s room for personal interpretation and adaptation. For example, “modesty” can look different in different parts of the world. And while some members might avoid all R-rated movies, others might be more selective.
Again, the Church emphasizes progress, not perfection. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, another Church leader, has said, “The Church is not a place for perfect people, but it is a place for people to become more perfect.”
Latter-day Saints believe that by following these principles, they draw closer to God and experience greater peace and joy in their lives. Ultimately, the best way to understand the Church is to talk to active members, attend a service, and learn more about their beliefs and practices.
If this post helped you understand the Latter-day Saints better, check out:
- Latter-day Saint Beliefs About Heaven
- What You Need to Know About Joseph Smith
- What Do Latter-day Saints Say About Jesus Christ?
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