Hello again! I’m one of Mariel’s many sister-in-laws back to share an idea that has brought a lot of fun to our house … an ABC photo book. (I previously did a post on “Starting Your Own Book Club“) I don’t consider myself to be an overly crafty or creative gal, but I do love taking pictures and I love a good deal. So, when our local pharmacy decided to offer their hardback photo books for free, I knew I had to figure out a creative use for the book.
What I came up with was an ABC photo book starring my then two-year-old little girl (Her name happens to start with “A” which worked out nicely as the cover photo. However, learn from my mistake and make sure to take a horizontal photo to use for the cover!).
I started by printing off each of the letters of the alphabet on their own piece of paper. I picked her favorite color at the time and increased the font on each of the letters to the maximum that would fit on each page. I would recommend going through each of the 26 pages and minimizing or maximizing the font size of the letter so each one takes up as much of the page as possible.
My little star and I then sat down and brainstormed things we could photograph around our house to represent each of the letters. Here are some of my favorites:
I also set up a mini photo “studio” by draping a neutral colored blanket at the foot of my bed. This helped highlight the object(s) representing the letter without a distracting background.
We also had a couple of letters where we had so many fun things to represent it, that we couldn’t bring ourselves to pick just ONE. So, I dedicated a page to the entire letter.
One last word of advice … don’t try to shoot all 26 letters in one day! My little star lost interest and started melting down on the first day, so I put her in a similar shirt the next day and we finished up. It really was a fun project for us to do together though, and she still loves looking at her book and learning her ABCs! Good luck!