Hey everyone, it’s Kari from Paper Wings. Christmas is over, the new year has begun, and if your house is anything like mine, the sugar and toys have taken over. Time for a few post-holiday activities to get you and the kiddos back on track, while still having fun of course. Check out some ways to make cleaning up after Christmas a little less daunting for everyone.
Cleaning Up After Christmas:
Cleaning up after Christmas, step one:
With new toys comes a messier play room. Time to sort and organize! And even though it’s tempting to throw out the broken toys and ripped books while the kiddos are away, it’s better to get them involved. That way they get to learn a lesson of organization, and they get to be the ones to choose what stays and what goes. This way there are no tears over that broken toy you threw out without their knowledge. A great motivator is to let them purchase one new book for every 10 toys they part with.
Cleaning up after Christmas, step two:
It’s everywhere! SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR! Here are a few ideas to help rid your house of some of the excess Christmas sweets, and get you and the kiddos back on track:
- Donate it! There are many shelters and programs who gladly accept candy and treats all year round
- Bake with it! Chop up all the chocolate, and keep it in a zip-lock. Next time you want chocolate chunk cookies, you already have your main ingredient!
- Freeze it. Chopped candy freezes really well. Freeze them in one cup increments, and you’ll have a nice supply of treats to add to brownies, ice-cream sundaes etc
- Gift it! It’s not too late to fill gift bags and pass them out to neighbors, and friends (but beware they may do the same to you) 🙂
- Recycle it. Cookies can be saved and frozen, then crushed up, for future no-bake pie crusts!
- Do experiments! There are super fun candy experiments for kids of all ages at www.kidshealth.org
Cleaning up after Christmas, step three:
-Trash to Treasure Activity
After your kids have helped you sort and get rid of toys, let them pick one broken toy that has been loved to death, and give it new life. Some toys are very special, and deserve to be kept and treasured. Find a place for them on a shelf or display case, and teach your little ones that their memories of play, can live on forever.
Cleaning up after Christmas, step four:
Beat the cold weather boredom by having your kids make their own mittens! This activity is super easy, and very kid-friendly! My son is so proud of his mittens, and wears them all day long.
- Find an old stained or torn sweater
- Have the kiddos trace their mittens
- Have them cut out the mittens
- Turn them inside out
- Do a quick stitch
- Turn them right side out again, and voila!
And there you have it! 4 ways to start the new year off right!
If you liked this post, please check out my DIY dollhouse on Paper Wings.
Here are some more posts on OSSS to help you get the new year started right:
Best Productivity Apps to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Helping Your Family Keep New Year’s Resolutions
Our picks to help with cleaning up after Christmas:
IRIS USA, Inc. TB-42 Stackable Clear Storage Box, 6 Pack, 12 Quart, 6 Stack and Pull6 Pack – SimpleHouseware Foldable Cube Storage Bin, Dark Grey
Honey-Can-Do Rolling Storage Cart and Organizer with 12 Plastic Drawers
Simple Houseware Closet Underwear Organizer Drawer Divider 4 Set, Gray
Tot Tutors Kids’ Toy Storage Organizer with 12 Plastic Bins, Espresso/White (Espresso Collection)
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing