These Primary talks are written based on the Come Follow Me Topics for the month of February. However, they can be used at any time! The talks are easy to read and understand. You can download and print a PDF version of the talk using the links below. Or, you can read the talk directly from your electronic device! I hope these talks make speaking in Primary simple and meaningful.
If you are a Primary Teacher or Leader and would like to download all four February Primary Talks at once, use this link.

February 2 Primary Talk: Trusting God
There are a lot of voices in the world today. We are surrounded by people, online videos, television shows, music, and video game chats. The noise of the world can keep us from hearing God’s voice and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.
Joseph Smith had to learn to listen to God’s words and not get distracted by the opinions of others. God told Joseph that is always best to do His will and not be influenced by the World.
We can be like Joesph Smith when we stand up for what is right, even when it is not easy! We can trust God and listen to His words. When we do this, we are blessed.
Download Printable PDF: Primary Talk Trusting God

February 9 Primary Talk: Hear Him
The prophet, President Nelson, has asked us to find ways we can hear the spirit of the Lord in our lives. In his talk called “Hear Him” he teaches us how we can do this.
He said, “We hear Him more clearly as we refine our ability to recognize the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. It has never been more imperative to know how the Spirit speaks to you than right now. In the Godhead, the Holy Ghost is the messenger. He will bring thoughts to your mind which the Father and Son want you to receive. He is the Comforter. He will bring a feeling of peace to your heart. He testifies of truth and will confirm what is true as you hear and read the word of the Lord.”
Why is it important to be in tune with the Holy Ghost? “Because when we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance.”
Download Printable PDF: Primary Talk Hear Him

February 16 Primary Talk: Remember To Pray
Many of the teachings in the Doctrine and Covenants are there because God was answering prayers! The early Saints had a lot of questions about the Gospel and needed help understanding how to organize and grow the Church on the earth.
God answered their prayers!
We can also pray to Heavenly Father and receive revelation. He knows our needs and wants us to be happy.
If we trust in Him and ask with faith, we will get the guidance we need–just like the Pioneers!
Download Printable PDF: Primary Talk Remember To Pray

February 23 Primary Talk: Invite Others To Know Jesus
Some of the early saints asked God, “What was the most important thing they could be doing?” God replied, “The thing of most worth is to bring souls to Jesus.”
How can we help bring souls to Jesus?
- being friends to others
- sharing the scriptures with a friend
- praying for someone in need
- keeping baptismal covenants
- inviting those we know to come to church
- listening to the Holy Ghost
There are so many ways we can help people find Jesus. If we are doing our best to do what is right, we can lead by example!
I am so grateful that I know Jesus. I am glad he is my brother and friend. He keeps me safe and following Him makes me happy.
Download Printable PDF: Primary Talk Invite Others To Know Jesus

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- How Strict is the Mormon (Latter-day Saint) Church?
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