Sit down and write about why exercising makes you feel good, or is good for you. I made a list of reasons why I love running when I was trying to regain motivation to continue running after taking some time off to have a baby. Re-read your list as many times as you need to! It’s a good reminder that even though we don’t always feel good DURING exercise, we always feel good AFTER when we are reaping the rewards of our hard work!
Exercising day after day can feel so monotonous and pointless if you don’t have a goal to works towards, so pick a goal and go for it! There are endless possibilities of things to sign up for such as 5k’s, bike races, zumba class, triathlons, yoga class, walk-a-thons, half-marathons, horse shows, snow shoe races, etc. etc. It doesn’t matter if your goal is to simply finish, or improve your performance from the last time. All that matters is that you have a goal to work towards, and thinking of that goal is sometimes all it takes to get yourself moving.
Even if it’s simply writing in your planner “go to gym” and being able to cross that off your “to do” list at the end of the day. I’ve come to realize that it’s not the exercise that I’m addicted to, it’s the feeling of accomplishment. Marathons aren’t exactly fun. A grueling 26.2 miles of blisters, fatigue, and feeling like you’ll never be able to walk normal again is not why I keep coming back for more. It’s the feeling I have when I cross the finish line. The satisfying feeling of accomplishment that only comes after hard work and effort. Record your progress however you like, but just make sure you are feeling that sense of accomplishment somehow because that’s what will FOR SURE keep you coming back for more!!
Those are a few things that have helped me stay motivated to exercise. Now we want to hear what motivates YOU to exercise. Please share, because I’m sure we’re ALL looking for a little extra motivation (especially with swim suit season just around the corner)!
jenni says
Great, inspiring post!
Just recently the free exercise room at my husband’s work closed for more office space, and we had to buy memberships to a gym. Now I need to convince myself to go enough to get my money’s worth!
Thanks for the extra motivation!
Mrs. Potts says
Thanks for this awesome post! My baby is 11 months old and I am STILL trying to lose the baby fat – and you are right, my biggest obstacle has been motivation. So I am going to try a few of these tips! I feel more motivated already!
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
On days I exercise, I dress in exercise clothes so it’s easy to go ahead and get sweaty. Great suggestions!
Emily says
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really needed this right now. I’ve been diligently jogging for a few months now and really need the motivation to keep going. You’re right about the accomplishment. It is all about being able to feel good about what we’re doing for ourselves:-)
Clements Family says
Seriously great post…I needed this! Especially with swimsuit right around the corner. I really need to recruit a friend…that will help me the most!
Mariel says
I love this post, very inspiring! I always think that “starting is the hardest part” but, once I spend time exercising it’s easier to do it again the next day.
Also, I notice if I put effort into eating healthier, I am more motivated to exercise. That way I feel that I got the most out of my effort, rather than feel it was likely pointless.
Thanks, Andrea 🙂 Email me after your move and we’ll have you again!
Kim says
Awesome post! I love all your tips. I think the one that would help me most is getting dressed in to my workout clothes so then I will want to work out instead of just chang again. That is brilliant! Thank you for your awesome advice. I admire you for your amazing dedication!
Chaney says
Summer is the biggest motivation for me. The nicer it is outside the easier it is for me to get everyone to go out for a walk etc. I much prefer that than doing an exercise video inside!
bex says
Great post! I ran my first half marathon in january, but now, after a trip and a weeklong sickness, I am lucky to make it 5 miles. Its frustrating, but I need to remember BABY STEPS! And just do the best I can today!
Ashley G. says
Andrea, this is such a great post! Thank you so much for the motivation! I am definitely motivated by hearing from others like you who continue to be successful and healthy throughout their lives. After all, it’s a life long process! Also, I used to cut out pics in magazines or pick a celebrity and say, “I want to look like her.” Well, you know me, and there are very few models and celebs who look like me and are only 5 feet tall. I started realizing that I found much more motivation by looking at pictures of MYSELF when I was exercising and eating right and looked and felt healthy because I know for certain THAT’S a goal I can achieve!
Tara and Ricky says
Fantastic post Andrea!! I could always use a little help in the motivation area! I have yet to run a full marathon so I give you MAJOR props for such an awesome accomplishment… And 7 times???!! You rock! You have inspired me though… I may have to give it a go this year. If you ever decide to try out a triathlon, look me up… I will totally train with you! They are a great challenge that I’m sure you would enjoy!!! Again, great post!
Nichole says
Motivation is a huge key and I love the post! I finally got motivated about a year ago and with being at the gym and eating better I just this week hit the 100 lb mark, as in I lost 100lbs! It is all about being motivated. I had to have work out buddies (who all fizzled by the way), something to train for (running my first 5k in about a month)and new work out clothes monthly to keep motivated. Thanks for a reminder that motivation is a huge key! Here is to the motivation for the next 60lbs to lose!
Kiley says
Andrea, I love it! Thanks for the motivation! I have recently started circuit training and really enjoy it. I have always been intimidated by weights but once I started I realized how much I like it and what a good work out it can be! I have no desire to jump on a treadmill at the gym, but figuring out a good circuit and busting it out is exciting to me. So my motivation is definitely doing something I enjoy rather then trying to motivate myself to do something I really don’t like. Thanks again. You look so good. I hope I can have such a slammin’ bod after a baby!
Heather B says
Thanks, this was just what I needed!
Heidi says
What a great post… The first one was the clincher for me. It spoke directly to my insecurity (and consequently my number 1 reason for avoiding any sort of public exercising whatsoever). I LOVED this post. Thanks so much!!
Heidi says
What a great post… The first one was the clincher for me. It spoke directly to my insecurity (and consequently my number 1 reason for avoiding any sort of public exercising whatsoever). I LOVED this post. Thanks so much!!