This 'Yoga for Busy Moms' online class is sooooo perfect for me!
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Online Yoga Class for Busy Moms ~ 75% Off for Readers!

Friends! Have you ever wanted to try your hand at yoga?? I know I have! In fact, I have a little brother on an LDS mission, who LOVES yoga. Before he left, he made me promise that I would learn yoga and be able to show him a “sweet yoga move” by the time he gets home. Eeeek!

That promise, coupled with the fact that two of my brothers are in film production (they’re amazing) and my blog assistant, Liv, is also a yoga instructor, gave me an AWESOME IDEA! We put our heads together and decided to create a Yoga for Busy Moms online class, right in my own home.

Starts January 2nd, 2017 and TOTALLY FREE!!
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A Free Health Challenge Starting January 2… Join Us!!

Hey, friends!! So, in these pictures are my little brother and sister-in-law and they are KILLING IT in the health and fitness department!! I can’t believe the awesome changes they’ve made (so proud!) and am super excited about their new health challenge starting this January… you know, after the MAJOR holiday binging.

lessons from getting healthy
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Lessons From Getting Healthy (she: Lindsay)

A little over 3 years ago, I had (what I hope to be) my last baby. It was always hard for me to stay motivated and lose all my baby weight after each baby when I was planning to get pregnant again. But after our last baby, it was go-time. And by “go-time” I mean 8 months after I had him I was finally motivated and ready to get back in shape. For the record, I didn’t exercise while pregnant with my last baby (unless you count chasing around 3 other kids as exercise, and it should probably count) nor was I a healthy eater while pregnant. I ate anything and everything all day long and put on a good 50+ pounds. And I was as out-of-shape as I had ever been in my life. I had my work cut out for me.

During this process, I started getting a lot of questions about what I was doing to lose the weight and get back in shape. I learned a LOT during the next year as I literally worked my butt off to get healthy and thought I’d share some of the lessons from getting healthy that I learned.

10 Workout Routines ~ No Equipment Needed!
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No Equipment Needed Post-Baby Workouts ~ From My Personal Trainer!

I don’t know if it was baby #6 or just being older, but I never had as hard of a time losing the baby weight and getting back into shape. I did my usual low-carb diet and moderate exercise, no luck. I switched to low carb/low calorie, no luck. The weight seemed to be going nowhere. All my old tricks weren’t working! Now, I don’t have to have the perfect body or anything, but gosh darn-it… I sure would like to fit back into my pants! I had my thyroid checked. Normal. I was at a loss and my yoga pants were getting pretty shabby. So, I enlisted the help of a pro. We’ve been working out together for several months now and I’ve convinced her to share some of her knowledge and workouts with you! Come check it out and find out how to get a free hour of training with her.

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15 Inexpensive Ways to Help You Get Healthy & Fit (she: Beth)

Many people are making resolutions and changes at the beginning of each year, and it feels like just about everyone includes becoming fit and healthy somewhere on the list. Transforming your body is a difficult thing to do, but there are many easy and inexpensive ways to do it. You don’t have to break the…

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30 Ways to Improve Health & Fitness (she: Tina)

Tina Reale is a NASM certified personal trainer and owner of the personal training site and blog Best Body Fitness. Tina offers affordable online personal training programs and virtual boot camps while also sharing workouts and fitness motivation through her blog. Tina recently completed her first marathon and looks forward to continuing her quest for…