Book of Mormon Primary Talks for Children simple printable templates. These four primary talks are based on the Come Follow Me topics for the month of February.

Primary Talks for the month of February. Book of Mormon Primary Talks for Children.

I love that the focus of the month of February is love. There is so much yucky business in the world, it is refreshing to focus on gratitude, love, and family. Even the topics in the Come Follow Me lessons incorporate the theme!

We have so much to LOVE about studying the Book of Mormon. It is bursting with words of hope, wisdom and encouragement.

These four printable Book of Mormon Primary Talks for Children are based on the February topics in the Primary Come Follow Me manual. I enjoy reading the lessons for children because the topics are so simple and pure. Each small section is like a little nugget of happiness. If you ever struggle with studying the Gospel of Jesus Christ, take time to read the lessons for Primary children. It will boost your testimony and start you back on the track to learning and faith! I guarantee it.

As always, you can download this single PDF document that has all four templates combined. This document is perfect for Primary leaders! If you are a parent searching for a single talk for your child’s assigned week, you can download individual talks in the sections below. I hope that this makes your life as easy as possible! Enjoy.

Come Follow Me Talk For Primary: Guide My Way – February, 2nd

Have you ever been lost? Was it scary? How did you feel when you found your way again? I do not like feeling lost or alone. My mom and dad want me to be safe. So, they give me rules to follow. I stay with a buddy and don’t wander off alone.

Jesus and Heavenly Father want us to safe too! They want us to stay on the path that leads back to heaven. It is not a real path that we can see like a sidewalk or hiking trail. It is a spiritual path. When we keep the commandments, pray, listen to our parents, and come to church, we are able to stay on the right path.

Jesus helps us to come back if we are lost or wander away from the Gospel trail. We can repent and He will be our special buddy to keep us safe and on track. I am glad that I can feel the protection of God and Jesus in my life. They love me and you and want us to be happy.

Download: Guide My Way PDF

Printable Primary Talk for Children about how Heavenly Father and Jesus guide us on the path the happiness. #OSSS #LDS #PrimaryTalk #Jesus #ComeFollowMe

Book of Mormon Talk for Children: I Am Blessed When I Obey – February 9th

Heavenly Father wants us to be happy! There is a scripture in the Book of Mormon that says that we are supposed to have joy. What makes you happy? Birthday presents, the last day of school, ice cream cones, family vacations, and winning a game are all things that can be fun and exciting. They make us feel good.

Joy is a little bit different than just being happy. Joy comes from obeying the commandments. Heavenly Father promised that he would bless us for doing what is right. He keeps his promises.

I want to obey the commandments so I can feel the Holy Ghost. He helps me to feel joy and peace inside. It is like sitting in the warm sun or being wrapped in a soft blanket. Feeling the Holy Ghost is good. I hope we can all obey God. He wants to give us blessings. I know He loves us and will help us to have joy.

Download: I Am Blessed When I Obey PDF

Book of Mormon Primary Talk about how when we obey the commandments it brings us joy. #OSSS #ComeFollowMe #BookofMormon #Jesus # Primary

Primary Talk About Jesus: I Feel My Savior’s Love – February 16th

I love Valentines Day. I like candy and making boxes. Did you get a special Valentine from your family or a friend? How did it make you feel to be loved? It feels really good! I know that my parents love me because they give me hugs and tell me how they feel. They take care of me.

There is someone who loves me even more than they do! It is Jesus. Jesus showed His love when he died for me and you on the cross. He gave us the chance to repent and be clean so we can go to Heaven. It is the best Valentine of all!

Jesus loves us so much. I can feel his love when I pray and when I sing songs about His life. I feel His love when I look at the beautiful world and when I see the stars in the sky. I am glad Jesus is my older brother. I hope I can make good choices so I can be with Him and God again someday.

Download: I Feel My Savior’s Love PDF

Book of Mormon Primary Talk about how we can feel the Savior's Love in our lives. #OSSS #BookOfMormon #Jesus #TalkforChildren #ComeFollowMe

Book of Mormon Primary Talk Template: The Temple is a Holy Place – February 23rd

Do you like the song we sing in Primary called, I Love To See The Temple? Some of the words are, “I love to see the temple. I’m going there someday to feel the Holy Spirit, to listen, and to pray. For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty. I’ll prepare myself while I am young. This is my sacred duty.”

This song is important because it teaches about the House of God. The temple is a place where we get to learn about Heavenly Father’s plan for families. People make special promises with Heavenly Father. The Holy Ghost is strong in the temple because it is a sacred place. People go inside to feel peace and to get help.

I want to go to the temple when I am old enough. I am glad there is a place on Earth that feels like Heaven. I hope I am always worthy to go inside.

Download: The Temple Is A Holy Place PDF

Printable Primary Talk about how the temple is a holy place and the purpose of going inside someday. #Temple #OSSS #ComeFollowMe #PrimaryTalk

I hope your child feels the Sprit testify that the messages in these Book of Mormon Primary Talks are true. Thank you for taking part in spreading the Gospel to your family and community. I hope you feel God’s love for you in your life.

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