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Today Liv has a list of books Dad will LOVE for Father’s Day. These titles are so good, you’ll want to add them to your (husband’s) home library! #MyDadAsABook #FathersDay

Hey everyone! It’s Liv again, and I’m so excited about this post! I absolutely love reading books, and I had so much fun going through the Barnes & Noble Father’s Day Gift Guide to get some ideas to share with you. Luckily, my husband is also an avid reader, so doing this with him in mind was perfect. I hope it’s helpful for you, too, as you think about what to give the men in your lives.

7 Books to Give for Father's Day - plus what to pair with them!

The Wright Brothers by David McCullough

-If you’re feeling adventurous, pair this book with a trip! Or if airfare isn’t in the budget, just go watch planes land and take off at a local airport while enjoying a picnic. I just read this book and I’m amazed at what Wilbur and Orville were able to accomplish simply because they put their brilliant minds to the test, and they never gave up.

The Boys in the Boat by Daniel Brown

-Pair this book with a visit to a water park, a leisurely canoe trip on a local river/lake, paddle boarding, or a day spent swimming. I read this book last year and, again, it’s amazing what we can do if we put our minds and bodies to the test! This group of boys took their crew team to the Olympics and it was an emotional adventure.

Lego Architecture: The Visual Guide

-Dads aren’t too old for a new Lego set, right?! Definitely couple this book with some new Legos that Dad can put together with the kids.

What I Love About Dad Little Gift Book

-This is a sweet way to share some special thoughts and memories about Dad! I did this once for my husband’s birthday and he said it was exactly what he needed at that time in his life. It’ll become a treasured keepsake, for sure.

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight

-This would go great with a new pair of shoes, or tickets to a sporting event. Memoirs are really one of my (and my husband’s) favorite genres, can you tell? Knight’s journey to Nike started with a $50 loan from his father! Isn’t that incredible?!

Weber’s Big Book of Burgers: The Ultimate Guide to Grilling Backyard Classics

-Obviously, give this book with a huge slab of meat! Or maybe a new grill or grilling supplies like an apron, spatula, or meat tenderizer.

The Secret Wars: Spies, Ciphers and Guerillas

-This could be fun paired with a family date night to a laser-tag arena. Or even a Nerf-gun-war in the backyard. You could also pair it with some invisible ink or other fun spy tools for the family to use for sharing secret messages with one another.

7 Books to Give for Father's Day - plus what to pair with them! Check out the list on

Hopefully this helps as you prepare for Father’s Day next month. And please let me know what you’ve been reading lately because I love adding to my list!

Need more ideas? Check out THIS POST with more great books for men! Lindsay is also sharing books you won’t want to miss here in THIS POST, and Mariah has a great list of books for kids HERE.