Gifts for Girls (ages 7 and up) ~

I admit, I’m a little clueless when it comes to girls over the age of 7, because I haven’t had one, yet!  Soon enough, soon enough.  Luckily, I have a fantastic friend, Lisa, who does.  She shared tons of fun ideas with me…I give her credit for at least half of these ideas. 🙂  Her 9 year old daughter loves her Scentsy Buddy.  Normally, I wouldn’t pair a stuffed animal with a 9 year old girl, but these Scentsy Buddies sound pretty neat…I kinda want one too. 🙂   There are several buddies to choose from, you unzip their back and stick a yummy smelling Scent Pack in their back.  They can be interchanged with lots of different scent packs, making their whole room smell fabulous.  ($25, plus one scent pack) There is an online registration that also allows them to play games, similar to Webkinz.  This would be a great idea for any little girl, maybe up to 10?  After that, they might just want a full-size Scentsy Warmer for their room.  A lot safer than candles!  Oh, and the scent packs are great for lockers, backpacks, the car, or anywhere that needs a little fragrance-love.

* You have to buy Scentsy products through a consultant.  I grabbed one of my readers, Sherrie, and had her set up a link, where you can buy Scentsy from her, through “Or so she says…” Click here, and you’ll see my name/link where you can purchase.

I just ran into this Conair Hair Jeweler, noticing that it had great reviews.  I’ve never heard of such a thing!  But, sounds like you load the cartridge with gems, insert a thin strand of hair into it, and it transfers the jewel onto the hair.  Interesting.  Here’s a review from a 10 year old girl…“It’s a really great toy and I’m 10 and i think it’s fun. You should buy it but don’t loose the beads or than the toy won’t be as fun but avaral it’s FANTASTIC!!!!!!!”  So, there you have it.  It comes with 24 gems, but you can also buy replacement packs.  I actually think my five year old would love this (though she doesn’t fit in this age group), along with the Scentsy Buddy above.  Hmmmm…I love Christmas shopping.

I’ve always dreaded the day my daughters ask for American Girl dolls.  A hundred bucks is a lot for a doll.  Although, I admit they’re stinkin’ cute…especially the historical ones.  But, luckily there are several dolls available that are at least similar to the American Girl, but way cheaper.  Target offers the Our Generation dolls, for around $30 bucks.  They wear the same size clothing as American Girl dolls, and they are probably half the price.  There are also several fun accessories and furniture available for them, such as:  a scooter, horse, bedroom furniture, kitchen appliances, and tons more!  Another popular (and cheaper) 18″ doll is the Madame Alexander dolls.  Also interchangeable (clothing/accessories) with the American Girl and Our Generation dolls.

Girls love to paint their nails, and I bet they would love to do their own pedicures at home, with their friends.  Put together a cute package gift, with a Foot Bath ($20), pedicure tools, some nice lotions and scrubs, and some fun nail polish colors.   Maybe through in a container of Clorox wipes to sanitize the foot bath after each use.

I know my little girls love making jewelry.  There are a million toy-bead kits.  But, maybe older girls are ready for the real thing!  There are several bead shops online, and there may even be one in your town.  Pick up a bead container, and fill it with some fancy and funky beads!  Be sure to include any basic jewelry making supplies, and maybe an instructional book, like Kids!:Picture Yourself Making Jewelry.

Lots of girls get their ears pierced around this time, I found a bazillion cute earrings on Etsy.  These would make great stocking stuffers too!  I love these tiny flower earrings

Or, the pink crystal cube earrings…

Or, the silver sand dollars…I could go on and on!

Or, if they haven’t had their ears pierced, there are lots of cute clip-ons too!

How about their very first sewing machine??  This little one, Michley Lil’ Sew & Sew, is only $37 bucks, and reviewers totally recommend it for young girls.  Pair it with a great book, like My First Sewing Book, and a basic sewing kit.  Want some custom pillows for the couch??  Curtains for the bedroom??  You’ll soon have them.

Hope that give you some ideas!  Feel free to share any ideas you have!

* For more gift ideas for EVERYONE on your list, check out Gift Idea Central!
