Hi there! It’s Carmella and I am happy to be back and I’m excited to share this super easy spring project with you all! You only need a few things to make a no sew pillow like this… and I’m serious about leaving your sewing machine in the back of the closet where it’s safe from its user, {oh, wait… am I the only one scared of her sewing machine??}. That’s right, this is a DIY pillow you can whip up using a few craft supplies, none of which include needle and thread.

no sew pillow

For this no sew pillow, I used upholstery fabric that I found at half price in the remnant bin at JoAnn Fabric store, tea towels {you can find these at Wal-Mart or Target}, “Pro-Strength” hot glue sticks {this is my go-to glue for fabric projects! I get it in the craft department at Wal-Mart}, and cotton stuffing.


First, iron, measure and cut your fabric to your desired pillow size.


Next, lay your fabric print side up on your work surface and then lay your cut tea towel fabric on top. Lifting up the tea towel fabric, quickly run a line of glue from corner to corner on the printed fabric.


Continue gluing all four sides leaving a two inch opening.


Through this opening, turn the fabric right side out.


Stuff  the pillow through the opening until it’s fluffy enough 🙂 and then fold the edges in and glue it together. Work as quickly as you can on this part to make sure you get everything folded in before the glue sets.


And…. that’s it!! I am happy that I can continue to leave sewing to the experts and still have pretty pillows in minutes!

I used ours to spruce up our front porch for spring.




Thanks so much for reading! I’ll see you here again with another craft next month!