Hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re about to take family scripture study to a whole new level! Get ready for A Joseph Smith—History Charades and Scripture Chase Challenge that will have everyone racing to their scriptures and shouting out verses with glee!

This isn’t your grandma’s scripture study (unless your grandma was a total charades rockstar, that is!). We’re ditching the passive reading and diving headfirst into the action with a game that’s fun, engaging, and guaranteed to get the whole family excited about learning from the Prophet Joseph Smith’s own words.

Joseph Smith history kids

Joseph Smith History Charades & Scripture Chase ~ Doctrine and Covenants for Kids

I’ve separate the game into 3 parts. There is a grouping of scriptures to act out for EACH of the Come Follow Me lessons on Joseph Smith History.

Here’s the Doctrine and Covenants game plan:

  1. Grab your scriptures: Make sure everyone has their own copy of the Pearl of Great Price, flipped open to Joseph Smith—History.
  2. Get ready to act: One person chooses a verse from the list below (or comes up with their own!) and acts it out without speaking a word.
  3. Race to the verse: The other players frantically search their scriptures to find the verse being acted out.
  4. Shout it out! The first person to find the correct verse and shout it out gets to be the actor next.

Ready to get your scripture acting & chasing skills on?

Come Follow Me: Joseph Smith—History 1:1-26 (“I Longed for the Remission of My Sins”)

  1. Joseph Smith—History 1:5: “In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be done?” (Act confused and overwhelmed, with hands on your head and a furrowed brow.)
  2. Joseph Smith—History 1:8: “I cried unto the Lord in the agony of my soul.” (Kneel and pretend to pray fervently, perhaps with tears in your eyes.)
  3. Joseph Smith—History 1:10: “I saw a light appear in my room…” (Look around in wonder as if a light is gradually filling the room.)
  4. Joseph Smith—History 1:13: “My soul was filled with love, and for many days I could rejoice with great joy.” (Smile radiantly, embrace yourself, and maybe even do a little joyful dance.)
  5. Joseph Smith—History 1:14: “I soon found, however, that my telling the story had excited a great deal of prejudice against me…” (Act surprised and hurt, as if people are turning away from you.)
  6. Joseph Smith—History 1:15: “I was an obscure boy…” (Shrug your shoulders and look insignificant.)
  7. Joseph Smith—History 1:16: “I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me.” (Point upwards and gesture to your eyes and ears.)
  8. Joseph Smith—History 1:20: “I was persecuted by those who ought to have been my friends and treated me kindly.” (Act sad and betrayed, with slumped shoulders and a downcast expression.)
  9. Joseph Smith—History 1:22: “Why persecute me for telling the truth?” (Look pleadingly at the others with outstretched hands.)
  10. Joseph Smith—History 1:26: “I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it.” (Point to your eyes, then to heaven, then to your heart, and nod firmly.)

Print off this section of scripture charades ideas here:

Joseph Smith game

Come Follow Me: Joseph Smith—History 1:27-65 (“The Things Which I Have Written”)

  1. Joseph Smith—History 1:27: “On the evening of the twenty-first of September…” (Pretend to be asleep in bed.)
  2. Joseph Smith—History 1:30: “I called upon the Lord in fervent prayer…” (Kneel by your bed and pray with intensity.)
  3. Joseph Smith—History 1:34: “There appeared a personage, standing in the air, whose brightness was above that of the sun.” (Stand on your tiptoes, raise your arms, and shine an imaginary light.)
  4. Joseph Smith—History 1:36: “He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent from the presence of God to me.” (Point to yourself and then upwards.)
  5. Joseph Smith—History 1:38: “He said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent.” 1 (Pretend to hold a book and point to the ground.)
  6. Joseph Smith—History 1:42: “Near it was deposited also the breastplate…” (Point to the ground again, near the first spot.)
  7. Joseph Smith—History 1:47: “I should not show them to any person…” (Shake your head and hold the imaginary plates close to your chest.)
  8. Joseph Smith—History 1:53: “I made an attempt to take them out, but was forbidden by the messenger.” (Reach towards the ground, then pull back your hand as if stopped by an unseen force.)
  9. Joseph Smith—History 1:54: “I went as usual to the place where I had previously designed to go, and there I found the plates…” (Pretend to dig and find something, then lift it with great effort.)
  10. Joseph Smith—History 1:59: “I went to Manchester, where I resided for the time.” (Pretend to walk a long distance, pulling a suitcase or carrying a bundle.)
  11. Joseph Smith—History 1:62: “During our evening conversations, I often related to him the visions that I had seen…” (Sit down with another person and gesture as if telling an exciting story.)

Print off this section of scripture charades ideas here:

Joseph Smith history activity

Come Follow Me: Joseph Smith—History 1:66-75 (“By the Gift and Power of God”)

  1. Joseph Smith—History 1:66: “I kneeled down and prayed…” (Kneel and pray with your hands clasped.)
  2. Joseph Smith—History 1:68: “While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light appearing in my room…” (Look around in amazement as if a light is filling the room.)
  3. Joseph Smith—History 1:70: “The angel said he was the same messenger who had visited me before.” (Smile and gesture as if greeting an old friend.)
  4. Joseph Smith—History 1:71: “He again related the story of the plates…” (Point to the ground where the plates are buried.)
  5. Joseph Smith—History 1:72: “He said the time for bringing forth the plates had not yet arrived.” (Shake your head and hold up your hand in a “not yet” gesture.)
  6. Joseph Smith—History 1:74: “I should continue to receive instructions from him until the time should arrive for obtaining the plates.” (Nod your head attentively and pretend to listen carefully.)
  7. Joseph Smith—History 1:75: “I should…be faithful in obeying the instructions which I had received.” (Stand tall and salute, showing determination and obedience.)
  8. Joseph Smith—History 1:75: “I should…keep the commandments which had been given me.” (Pretend to hold the commandments close to your heart.)
  9. Joseph Smith—History 1:75: “I should…be diligent in laboring with my hands…” (Pretend to do various kinds of work, like farming or carpentry.)
  10. Joseph Smith—History 1:75: “I should…attend to the secular concerns of my family…” (Gesture to an imaginary family and show love and care.)

Print off this section of scripture charades here:

doctrine and covenants kids

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