Happy spring Or So She Says readers! It’s Brooke again and I’m happy to be visiting you today from Blissful Roots. Don’t you love this beautiful, refreshing time of year? It’s one of my favorite seasons. Come to think of it, I say that at the beginning of every season, and then by the end of some seasons I’m complaining a bit. But never with spring! Spring could last forever in my book!
Today I have a fun, easy educational holiday game for you to do- an Easter egg word scramble.
When I taught first grade, we did a lot of great activities for our literacy centers. This was always a hit with my students during the weeks leading up to Easter. When I taught, we didn’t use Easter words, we used our spelling and/or high frequency words, but since Easter is just around the corner I think Easter words are perfect for this activity!
Plastic Easter eggs that crack open
A basket to keep all the eggs in (optional)
Letters (Scrabble letters, magnetic letters, letter stickers, or just written or typed letters cut out into individual letters)
Word list (see below for my printable Easter list)
Compile a list of words for the game. You can use the Easter words below, your child’s spelling words, or any words you’d like.
Gather letters (Scrabble letters, magnetic letters, letter stickers, or just written or typed letters) to spell each word on the word list.
Spell out one of the words from the list with the letters, then put those letters in one of the eggs and close it.
Repeat this step for each word on the list.
Put the eggs in the Easter basket, if you’re using one.
Give your child the word list and the basket with the eggs.
Your child will then crack open one egg at a time, dump the letters out, unscramble the letters, and spell the word from the word list.
They’ll repeat this step for each egg in the basket.
Don’t provide a word list for your child. Simply give him/her the theme (Easter words, family names, football words, food words, etc…) and see if your child can unscramble the letters to spell the words without even seeing a list. You could do this in teams and make it a bit of a competition- which team can unscramble all the words in the eggs first.
That’s it! Totally easy, festive, and fun, right? My boys (ages 4 and 7) absolutely LOVE this activity. Cracking open each egg and finding the mystery letters and word is honestly thrilling to them! It’s a game, but it’s educational. I love that combination!

I have two fun Easter math games for your kiddos (click here and here) over at Blissful Roots to share, and plenty of other Easter ideas, crafts, and printables. I’d love for you to come visit me and check them out! Happy Easter spelling to you!