I Can Do Hard Things Poster ~ Free Printable!

I Can Do Hard Things Poster ~ Free Printable!

Hi! This is Sharon from Lemon Squeezy. The free download I made this month makes a great birthday or Christmas gift for any child in your life. My daughter and I were talking recently about difficult things in life and how they still can be done, even though they are hard. She then told me that her teacher last year had a sign over their board that said “I can do hard things” as a reminder to the students that they can, in fact, complete things and overcome obstacles they face. It was really inspiring to me, especially since my daughter remembered it from last year so it must have affected her. Check out what I made as a result of our talk:

These Come Follow Me Printable Primary Talk templates are written to coordinate with the Come Follow Me lessons for March. Make speaking in church simple and easy with these meaningful messages. #OSSS #PRIMARY #LDS orsoshesays.com

Come Follow Me Primary Talk Templates

One main change to the new church setup, is that the children’s Primary talk guidelines have changed. The leaders have requested that children give a short thought about the current Come Follow Me lesson. Guess what makes things even easier? These Come Follow Me Printable Primary Talks! Just download the message for your assigned week and you are ready to rock and roll.