I am Lacking Productivity, but, in the real world, people call me Kira.
I am a twenty-something, who clearly doesn’t care about regular 6-week cuts and colors (because I will still allow photos to be taken of me, long after the re-growth is more than evident).
I have an adorable husband, who married me because I am the perfect combination of both sugar mamma and trophy wife.
I love funny movies and desserts.
I like crew neck sweaters (even though I should have stopped wearing them along with the rest of the planet circa 1997), but then again, I like the unusual and bizarre, and I’m still not sure what people mean when they say, “only you can get away with wearing something like that, Kira,” but I pretend like it is a tribute to my quintessentially unique sense of style.
And I am honored to be guest posting today.
I hate shopping for pants. On my own blog, I have discussed this issue on more than one occasion.
Because of my hatred of pant shopping, I have replaced the enemy with skirts and dresses as often as possible, because skirts and dresses do not follow the pant code that apparently assumes that having bodacious thighs, voluptuous hips, and long legs (see why I said trophy wife?) also means you need to have 2/3 of length on your pants taken up by the crotch of the pants…but I digress.
Luckily for me, time spent in dresses and skirts is not also time in nylons, because, though I will try to deceive you into thinking that I have a tan (or that I even can tan for that matter), I will not pretend that “nude” in the nylon world looks anything remotely like my natural skin color.
So, before I get back into leg-flashing skirts again full-time (because where I live, we are still only getting teased with glimpses of spring), here are my faves for legs (spring 2010 edition):
Before you shower:
• Baby Oil/Baby Oil Gel: If you have dry skin, try coating your skin in baby oil before you hop in the shower, then wash as usual.
Having damp skin from the shower helps the oil absorb, but you don’t have to deal with greasy or sticky skin (or look like you are posing for a muscle magazine) from the oil, because you clean off the excess before you hop out.
While showering:
• Salt: You have probably heard of the benefits of salt for your skin, but I swear by the stuff. Salt has worked wonders for the crazy bumps on my arms, dry knees and elbows, and cracked heals.
I like to keep regular, cheap-o, generic, not-even-epsom-cause-I-don’t-care, table salt in the bathroom to use as an exfoliant in the shower. Just pour some salt in your hands, and rub it on damp, trouble areas to eliminate dead or dry skin, then rinse. If you haven’t done this in the past, you will probably feel a difference after the first time; keep it up, and you will have the knees of a shaving cream model in no time (just watch out for sores or scratches…you know, the whole “salt in the wound” thing…bad idea).
• Victoria Secret Squeaky Pink Shower Shave Body Wash: I know, I know, it’s a 2-in-1 typically meaning quasi-half-worker on both ends…but not here, ladies.
• Aveeno Positively Smooth Shave Gel: If you aren’t up for dishing out double digits on Squeaky Pink (though it will last you), this Aveeno will rock your socks off too.
It is made with soy, which has been shown to reduce and lighten hair in studies, and from my experience, it seriously works. I noticed a significant difference in how my legs felt after shaving as well as how much longer it took for my hair to grow back once I changed from regular shaving cream (and by “regular shaving cream,” I mean my husband’s cheap .$93 Barbasol) to this.
After showering:
Because my legs are the unfortunate color of raw scallops, I have to coat them in a little cream “smoke and mirrors,” to make them borderline tolerable.
• Tinted Lotions: There are tons of daily moisturizers that add some color to your skin (like Jergens Natural Glow) and even some generics. I don’t hate any of them, and actually like most of them pretty well, but I do have suggestions for all of them. (These rules also apply to any skin tinting product).
The fact that the product is called a lotion is deceptive, because it makes you feel like you can use them anytime, anywhere. This is not true. You should really only use these products after showering. Clean and smooth skin is the best palette (if you will) to paint on.
If you have dry skin, use these products after using another moisturizer. The color tends to stick to dry areas or creases in the skin; having moisturized skin significantly reduces the risk of having orange-y patches on your legs.
Only use the tint a few times a week. Daily use tends to become streaky and patchy.
Pat (don’t rub) your legs dry when you get out of the shower. This will keep the product where it should be.
Be conscious of where you are putting the product. People tend to only put lotion on the tops of their arms, or unevenly on their legs, but when your moisturizer has a tint to it, we can all see exactly where you start and stop, unless your coverage is all-over even.
And one final product, because the tiny wisps of color you get from the drug store lotions just aren’t enough for some of us…
• St. Tropez Self-Tan Bronzing Lotion: Liquid courage for your legs, my friends. Liquid courage for your legs.
Because this stuff leans on the pricey side of things (for this cheap-skate, at least), this product is a luxury, but worth search for it and the investment (I like when people call expensive things an “investment,” it makes me feel like I am actually making a wise financial choice for my family’s future). St. Tropez lotion is dark brown in color so it looks like your hands are covered in…nevermind…but it will almost instantly tan you (which I love, because I don’t plan my outfits 3-5 days in advanced giving time to get sun-kissed from other tan-in-a-can products), and the color is natural and totally convincing.
I hope these tips and products help you show your legs a little more often this summer…or just save you some sanity by ditching the jean shopping, going for a breezy skirt instead.
Lacking Productivity
Jocelyn Christensen says
words of wisdom for sure! Thank you!!
Mariel says
You sure know your stuff! I can’t wait to have rockin’ legs like you cause I’m all about a breezy skirt.
Thanks for the post, great suggestions!
Lacking Productivity says
Thanks for letting me guest post, ladies. This helps check one thing off my bucket list … now on to “start a catch phrase that becomes a nationwide phenomenon for a couple of months, until it is overused to the extent that it becomes a cliche that defines the year that it was said, only to achieve future mockery in VH1’s ‘I Love [Year My Phrase was Popular]’…like “WAZZUP” in 2000.”
You guys rock my socks.
T says
just ran to stick the salt by my shower – thank you… and ManOfTheHouse thanks you… he just doesn’t know it yet 🙂
Katrine says
Well done, Kira. But I must say that I am quite upset that you, my sister-in-law, have never shared this beauty gems with me. I will forgive you if that salt thing really works!
Jen says
Wow, thanks for these tips, Kira! I’m going to try the salt tomorrow morning on my yucky heels! I’ve been trying to figure out a natural (read cheap), easy way to work on them forever.
And I’m definitely getting that Aveeno shave gel. I had one I was using that did a great job at reducing hair growth, but now I can’t find it anywhere! 🙁
Nichole says
Whoohoo! I love showing off the legs and here is just a little more know-how on how to really show them off. and YAY for skirts. Pants are evil.
Jessica says
I love Jergens Natural Glow! Thanks so much Kira, YOU rock!
Bonny says
Why did I not hear of salt in the shower until now, Kira? I just ran into the shower and did it, and my legs are feeling mighty fine!
Amy Caroline says
So excited! I have legs the color of raw scallops too! I am so happy for these tips! Thank you!
Sher says
thanks for the pointers. When it comes to beauty regime and skin care I am a complete dunce…and totally lazy.
I still think lunges would take less time and actually get rid of, instead of hiding, the cellulite.
Just my take.
That said, I’m totally going to try the salt thing.
Brooke says
Kira, you are too funny and i loved all the tips, i am definitely going to use them all, because i am white, very white and love to wear shorts and skirts in the summer.
KT says
I loved this post, thanks for the tips! I am also going to try the salt thing for sure.
Kami says
I absolutely love this post! The tips are so helpful I think I’ll try out that salt trick, can’t wait!
Jason, as himself says
Yep, that’s my sister-in-law-English-teacher-beauty-queen-skin-care-consultant. Love her!
After this post, I think I may start wearing skirts, too.
Heather B says
Thank you! I loved reading this- I am going to try all these suggestions.