face mask

Homemade Face Mask Recipes for Teenage Skin ~ Printable Recipe List!

As a mother of two teenage girls, it’s not usual to have a kitchen full of friends, mixing up face mask recipes… and making a huge mess. But, the girls love it, their skin loves it, and I love that I have found some fun recipes for them that don’t require special trips to the…

Best products for covering gray hairs between coloring

Best Products for Covering Gray Hair Between Colorings

You want to know a sure-fire way to have a gray hairs sprouting like weeds by the time you’re 35?? I’ll tell you. It’s called ‘have 6 kids.’ I’m telling you… #6 was born and so were my gray hairs. Definitely a trade that I would make again, but COME ON!! Gray hairs are so annoying. I may feel a little more welcoming if I was 20 years older, but right now… they are not welcome anywhere near my head.

And so the story goes… my salon appointments became a lot more frequent and my wallet wasn’t loving it. So, I started trying out some different gray coverage products to see if I could find something to extend my time between colorings.

Every little girl wants to be a princess, so today, we are going to show you some fun and easy princess hairstyles you can do at home or on the road. The best part - most of these styles can be done in less than five minutes! Find them on www.orsoshesays.com.

Easy and Fun Princess Hairstyles – Have a Hairdo Like Your Favorite Princess! (she: Adelle)

Every little girl wants to be a princess, so today, we are going to show you some fun and easy princess hairstyles you can do at home or on the road. The best part – most of these styles can be done in less than five minutes!

Fabric hair bows for Fall is a simple DIY for every school girl's hair this season! Get the how-to on www.orsoshesays.com
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Fall Fabric Hair Bows (she: Sierra)

Hi it’s Sierra here from The Blue Robin Cottage! I am so excited to share a fun, girly craft with you today! Fall fabric hair bows are the perfect way to top off any outfit.

But first, tell me if you can identify with this scenario:

You’re getting your little lady ready for school: she’s all dressed, teeth are brushed and you’ve just finished doing a Pinterest perfect hairstyle (I’m still trying to work on this part), and now all you need is a hair bow to match.

These cute bun hairstyles for girls will have you running for your combs and hairspray! #cutebunhairstyles #bunhairstyles #hairstylesforgirls #ldsblogger #lds #mormonblogger #mormon www.orsoshesays.com

Cute Bun Hairstyles for Girls – Top 5 Picks!

These Top 5 Cute Bun Hairstyles for Girls will have you running for your combs and hairspray! These are some of our tried and true go-to styles for school mornings or playful weekends. As a kid I LOVED doing my sister and friends’ hair. I taught myself how to french braid on a doll, then graduated to my (poor guinea pig) sister, and I finally get to play with my daughter’s hair! Since she’s the only girl, she gets the full brunt of my love for all things hair.

10 best uses for coconut oil
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10 Best Uses for Coconut Oil (she: Becky)

Hi again, Becky here from Bite of Delight! I’m so excited about today’s post because it’s all about one of my favorite discoveries… coconut oil! This amazing stuff has solved a lot of problems in my life, from cleaning to personal care to cooking. There are so many incredible uses for coconut oil, but today I want to talk about my top 10. These 10 best uses for coconut oil are in no particular order, because I love them all!

My Favorite Sephora Beauty Picks

My Favorite Sephora Beauty Picks

Sephora. Ahhh… one of my favorite places to shop! For as little make-up as I wear, I still love trying everything! … hair products, make-up, face creams, hand lotion, body scrubs, you name it. But, you know me. I have this strange need to try all products, which is fab for you, because then I can recommend the best!

So, since I have several Sephora faves, I decided it deserves its own post…

Hairfinity Review ~ Helping Hair From the Inside Out

Hairfinity Review ~ Helping Hair From the Inside Out

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t looking for ways to make my hair look fuller and thicker! I’ve tried everything from back-combing, to texturizing to coloring my hair just to try and make it look like I have more than I actually do. And to add insult to injury, my hair has started falling out more aggressively as I get older. So, when I had a chance to review Hairfinity Hair Vitamins, I jumped on it!

Frizz Free Curls! ~ MopTop Haircare

Frizz Free Curls! ~ MopTop Haircare

Does anyone else get overwhelmed by the sheer number of hair care products out there, or is it just me?!? I’ve tried many, many different products over the years, and some are worth repeating and others just aren’t. Well, I’m here to tell you about a keeper … MopTop Haircare. I admit that I was a little skeptical about yet another haircare line for frizz free curls, but MopTop products really have proven themselves to be awesome!