You can find Elise posting regularly at The Joyful Mother Project.
Packing school lunch.
Am I the only one that feels their blood pressure rising just thinking about this daily task? For some reason, it just really stresses me out. It’s hard to balance both the health and fun factors. Will they feel left out if I don’t put cookies in their lunch? Will they get made fun of because I put a hard-boiled egg in there?
Well, I wish I could tell you that I have some great ideas to take all of the stress out of planning and packing school lunch…I don’t. You are welcome to post your great ideas about that in the comments below (hint, hint).
What I am offering is a few ideas of how to use their lunch to reconnect with your kids. Once a day, your child will open that box or bag from home to fill up on the nutritious foods that you’ve packed for them. You can use this opportunity to not only connect with their stomachs, but also to reconnect with their minds and hearts.
I’ve found that for us, the best way to do this is through lunchbox notes.
I know that this isn’t a new idea at all. Every mom has at one time or another put notes in their kids’ lunch boxes.
I put a note in my kids’ lunches every day. I know that might seem overwhelming (and sometimes it really is, I won’t lie) but I do it because it has been so important for them.
But how can you think of something new to write every single day of the school year?
Below I’m giving you a few ideas for ways to keep lunchbox notes fun and fresh for all 180 days of the year for your kids, and less stressful for you. To start, all you need are some sticky notes and a pen. If you want to get fancy with cute paper and fun pens, that’s an extra nice touch. But you don’t need all that, if you don’t have it.
Write a poem
Now hold on – don’t panic. No, I’m not telling you to write a sonnet off the top of your head. I have ONE rhyme that I fall back on again and again (sometimes 2 or 3 times a week) that I change up to fit my whim. You know the nursery rhyme “Roses are red, violets are blue…” Well, you can change it up easily to make a cute little rhyme to fit your whim of the day, and it give you a foundation to work with. For example:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
While you are gone
I’ll be thinking of you
Roses are red
The grass is green
You are the coolest kid
I’ve ever seen
Roses are red
Our grass is brown
It’s the saddest grass
In the whole town
Roses are red
Sometimes they’re pink
I hope you brushed your teeth
So your breath doesn’t stink!
This one was extra special, complete with a mint. 🙂
Do you see how easy this is? You can come up with something working around this silly rhyme in 10 seconds flat and your kids think will think you’re clever and hilarious.
Sometimes when I’m feeling out of creative inspiration, I turn to the internet and google “kids’ jokes” and write the riddle on one side, and the punchline on the back. Right now I have a few screen shots saved to my phone with several good jokes just waiting to be used.
My kids love these, and share them with their friends at the lunch table and often come home and talk about how much they loved the joke that day. Yesterday’s joke was “What do you get when a cow jumps on a trampoline?….A milk shake!” I even drew a picture of a cow on a trampoline. It was horrible, but my kids think I’m funny. Score!
A Line From a Song
This one is super quick and easy. There’s a plentiful amount of love songs that have lines in them that will apply to your undying love for not only your spouse, but also your children. There’s also a lot of songs that are of an inspiring nature. Try writing a line from one of your (or their) favorite songs:
“Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you…”
“You are so beautiful…to me! Can’t you see?? You’re everything I hoped for. You’re everything I need. You are so beautiful…to ME!!!”
“HEY! I’m not giving up today! There’s nothing getting in my way, and if you knock knock me over – I will get back up again! If something goes a little wrong, well you can go ahead and bring it on! ‘Cause if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again!”
“I’ve got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire, ‘Cause I am the champion, and you’re gonna hear me roooooaaaaar!!!”
“Love is an open doooooooor! I mean it’s crazy…what? We finish each other’s – sandwiches!…You – and I – we’re just meant to be!”
This idea is fun, easy, and there’s an endless supply of inspiration. Just turn on your radio or Pandora and write down a few lyrics. Your kids that are music-lovers will especially appreciate this one.
A Compliment or Thank-you
I use these sparingly, so that they mean more when they get them. I use them most often in two situations: one, when a kid has done something extra awesome lately that I want to draw attention to; and two, when they are struggling or down and I think that they could maybe use some kind words.
“I’ve noticed lately that you’ve been such a sweet and attentive sister. Your little sisters love you so much, and I can see why. Thank you so much. I’m so proud of you.”
“I was so impressed with how well you did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen yesterday! You are such a great helper. I don’t know what I’d do without you!”
Everyone loves to be thanked or complimented, and our kids are no exception. Use this as an opportunity to let them know from afar that you appreciate and recognize their growth and efforts.
A Simple Sketch
On especially chaotic, hurried mornings, sometimes I just don’t have the time or brain juice to come up with anything. I used to try to skip the lunchbox note. But the kids would always mention it after school. “Where was my lunch note? I really missed it.” Knife to the heart.
So on those hurried mornings, I’ll do a simple drawing that won’t win any awards, but lets the kids know I’m thinking of them. A stick-figure sketch of our family, or just me and them holding hands. On really hurried mornings, just a simple “I {heart} U” will suffice.
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Lunch time can be a great way to reconnect from afar with your children during the school day. Take advantage of this by using lunch box notes!
The point is not perfection. The point is for them to know that I’m thinking of them while they’re away.
Question: Do you put notes in your kids’ lunch boxes? What are some unique ideas that you’ve used to keep it fun?
Challenge: Use one of these ideas this week to add a little something extra to your child’s lunch!
Get more lunch ideas here:
Free Printable Lunch Box Notes
School Lunch Ideas (that your kids will actually eat!)