To read about my latest motivation chart, that encourages my kids to read, read, read, stop by Make and Takes (where I contribute regularly)!

In the meantime, here’s some of my kid’s latest and favorite books (most of my their favorite books happen to be the ones that I read aloud.  I don’t know if it’s because I just pick awesome books….or, maybe the family time makes everything better. :))

Wait Till Helen Comes – I recently read this book aloud to the older kids.  They LOVED it…mostly because it’s totally creepy and intense.  Just the right amount of scary for my boys.  And, also purposely read in the day time. 🙂  It’s the story of a brother and sister who move to the country with their family, which includes their newest step-dad and his daughter.  Their new home happens to be right by a graveyard.  The step-sister forms an unhealthy bond with…a ghost.  Things get crazy and everything turns out great in the end.  It was a fun read and they both are anxious to read more books by the same author. (P.S.  This book gets over 200 perfect reviews on Amazon!)

The Mysterious Benedict Society -If your kids like riddles, this is the book for them (ages 10 and up…although, I read it aloud to my 8 year old too.)  It’s about these kids that answer a newspaper ad for ‘gifted kids looking for a special opportunity.’  They have no idea what they’re getting themselves into.  Crazy tests, tricks, puzzles, and all around madness lie in wait for them.  They essentially have to save the world from massive brainwashing and the only way they can do it is to work together.  My 10 year old has recently started the second book in the series.

The Red Sails to Capri – I love to find great historical fiction books to read to my kids.  Judging the book by it’s a cover, we all thought, ‘Eh.  Looks boring.’  But, the boys were always begging me to read more and more chapters.  It was super engaging, but also very educational.  It’s about a kid, Michele, who live on the island of Capri.  There is a mysterious cove on the island that the citizens feel is occupied by a monster.  They believe it a curse to even mention the place.  His parents own an inn, and 3 distinguished visitors come to stay.  They have no regard for the curse and insist upon visiting the cove.  I won’t tell you anymore, except that you should read it to your kids!  I would say this book is also 10 and up.  But, if you read it aloud to them, even younger.

Hatchet – Okay, so we haven’t actually got to this book yet.  But, it’s next on our list and we are so ANXIOUS to read it.  Right now, we’re finishing up The Phantom Tollbooth.  It’s been a fun book, but honestly it would be better for kids even older than mine (I would say 12 and up).  There are so many clever parts in the book, but too many of them are over their heads.  Anyway, we just have 2 chapters left and we’re moving on to Hatchet.  It’s the story of a 13 year old boy who survives a plane crash in the wilderness.  All alone, with just his hatchet, he survives 54 adventure-filled days.

If you want a great list of books for younger kids to read, check out 100 Books for Summer Reading, by Jocelyn.  Want great books for older kids?  Check out 100 Great Books for Older Kids, ages 6 to 14.
