My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students
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My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students

Last year, in homeschool, we studied The Revolutionary War, the entire time. It was awesome and we learned a ton (yes, me too!) Since we went through lots and lots of books and movies about the Revolutionary War, we found some that we absolutely loved and some… not so much.

Come check out our favorites! Whether you homeschool, teach public school, or simply want to add some great books to your kids collection, these are for you. All tried and true!

Travel the world this summer with the family in the comfort of your own home town! Elise shares how in today's post on the blog.
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A Mother’s Guide to Exploring the World With Your Kids This Summer (she: Elise)

This summer my kids and I will be world travelers! With the help of the internet, the local library, and the smattering of cultural restaurants in our area, we are going to learn about a new country each week. I am so excited to expose my kids to the colors, sights, sounds and tastes of other nations.

For basic skills like letter recognition, try this fun cookie game Sierra is sharing today. Get the free printable and bake up your own ideas with your little ones at home! Find it all at
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Educational and Fun Cookie Game (she: Sierra)

Hello all, it’s Sierra joining you again! “Back to school” season is upon us! I have a preschooler this year, who I’ve decided to home school and I’ve been preparing some lesson plans and fun learning games for him to play. Today I’m sharing a cute cookie game you can play with your own preschooler! There are so many ways you can play the game and it’s a great way for your child to learn their letters and numbers in the process!

16 Golden Ideas for Enjoying the Olympics as a Family ~ Crafts, Activities, and Treats (she: Mariah)
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16 Golden Ideas for Enjoying the Olympics as a Family ~ Crafts, Activities, and Treats (she: Mariah)

The Summer Olympic Games have begun! It’s so fun watching people who are so amazingly talented and who love what they do! Since the games started, we’ve been watching them together as a family in the evenings and really enjoying it! So far my son loves the swimming and is mesmerized by the gymnastics. I think it’s great for our kids to watch these athletes achieve their dreams. I also love that they get to hear some of the athletes’ stories and learn that their lives haven’t always been all that easy and that hard work and dedication can take you so far in life!

If you're looking for Pioneer Day Activities, then look no more! Mariah has created a roundup of things to do, including crafts and snacks. See all the ideas on today!
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17 Pioneer Day Activities & Crafts for Kids (she: Mariah)

If you’re looking for Pioneer Day Activities, then look no more! Mariah has created a roundup of things to do, including crafts and snacks. Pioneer Day is a holiday to celebrate the arrival of Mormon (LDS) Pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. It’s a great time of year in Utah, and now you won’t have to miss out on any of the fun even if you’re out of state!

Entertain the kids at your 4th of July get together with this fun free printable 4th of July word search.
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4th of July Word Search – Fun Before Fireworks! (she: Liz)

For my family, get togethers either include the mountains or a pool. But I’ll take either. I also love doing fun activities with the kids for holidays to make special memories. Entertain the kids at your 4th of July get together with this fun free printable 4th of July word search.

This would be so fun to do with the kids! Plus, it makes a great gift... making beeswax candles.
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Making Beeswax Candles With Kids & Printable Christmas Tag!

For homeschool, we learned all about bees. Have you ever learned about bees?? Holy smokes, those things are AMAZING. In a future post, I’ll share with you some of my favorite products for teaching kids about bees. But in the meantime, I wanted to share this project with you… making BEESWAX CANDLES WITH KIDS.

These beeswax candles make great gifts (free printable gift tag included!), home decor, and fun memories of making them with the family.

Favorite Products for Teaching Kids About Slavery and the Civil War

Favorite Products for Teaching Slavery and the Civil War to Kids

So for last year’s homeschool, we studied slavery and the Civil War… all year long.  That’s how I love doing history.  We just take a small portion of time and spend the whole year really getting in-depth.  This year we’re doing the Industrial Revolution, Great Depression, and World War I, so you can plan on…

Free Printable reading log to keep track of kids' progress
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Printable Reading Log (she: Liz)

First grade is such an important year in school. My son did start learning to read in kindergarten, but struggled. This year I am really focused on keeping him on track with his reading. The school encourages 20 minutes of reading every night. 20 minutes is a lot for a first grader, but I do think it’s important to encourage him to read each night and I thought he would be more excited about it if we kept track on this printable reading log.

free printable math worksheets for kindergarten and 1st grade
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Printable Math Worksheets (she: Liz)

I’m always wanting to make learning fun and interesting so my son will actually get through it without complaining. Since we struggled throughout the school year, I wanted to make sure we practiced during the summer so he doesn’t fall behind once he starts 1st grade next year. Since he does enjoy math, I decided to come up with some printable math worksheets we could do this summer.

end of school wrap up
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End of School Wrap Up… a Questionnaire to Remember Their Year! (she: Veronica)

Helloooo! It’s Veronica and I’m so excited to be back! Here in the good ‘ol South, we are enjoying our last week of school. It FLEW by this year!! The kiddos and I are enjoying the craziness of field trips, field days, awards nights, different graduations, and the list goes on and on!

I love the idea of my kids answering questions that explain their life. It’s always fun to hear their thoughts and get a glimpse into their fantastic little minds. And because this is a crazy time of year for all of us, I love how simple this idea is.

Keep reading to see what I created for the END OF SCHOOL WRAP UP!

teaching kids about thanksgiving

Great Products for Teaching Kids About Thanksgiving

The past couple months, for homeschool, we’ve been learning all about the pilgrims, the indians in the New World, and the first Thanksgiving. We like to take history slow and really delve into each time period. This coming week we’re going to have a fun Thanksgiving lunch (for school) to celebrate and reinforce what we’ve learned. I LOVE homeschool. Really. I love getting to learn right along with my kids! Anyway, after reading a bunch of books and watching some videos, I’ve narrowed it down to a handful of favorites products for teaching kids about Thanksgiving.