It’s always fun to start a new year here on ‘Or so she says…’ because I get to introduce to you a bunch of new and fabulous bloggers who have joined the blog team. There is sooooo much talent and creativity out there and my behind-the-scenes gals and myself work really hard to find our very favorites and slap a ‘she’ in front of their name. We’re pretty excited about these gals, both new AND the ones who are sticking around for another year. There will be oodles of blog posts and ideas coming your way. So be here, every day, yo. There’s always something new… recipes, parenting tips, travel ideas, crafts, gift ideas, and so much more!

Today I want to introduce you to Victoria from Creative Home Keeper.

I love the vibe that comes from Victoria’s blog… it’s happy, peaceful, inspirational, and comfortable.  She offers way more than just recipes and crafts.  On her blog you’ll find her secrets to a happy marriage, parenting tips, organization solutions, and lots of idea to make life BETTER.  Isn’t that what we all want??  You’ll have to stop by her blog and give her some love!  You’ll be glad you did.

A few of my favorite posts from her site: 7 Lessons I Learned in 7 Years of Marriage, What My Perpetually Sticky Floors Are Teaching Me, and Keeping a Memory Journal for Your Children.

My #1

Hi! I’m Victoria, a busy wife, mom to three little ones, lover of books and a good cup of coffee.

victoria gravatar

I live in a suburb of Kansas City and am a stay at home/work at home mom. Prior to my days at home, I was an elementary school teacher for over 5 years. I love to spend time in the kitchen cooking, as well as eating! Spending time with my family is one of my favorite ways to spend my free time but outside of reading, I love writing too. You can find me at, my blog where I share tips and tricks to live simply and intentionally at home and in life.

Alright, ready for my list of #1’s?

My #1 favorite blog post from 2014:
One thing my husband and I have done since before we were married is to sit down together every week. It’s a part of our weekly routine, it keeps us on the same page, it allows us to be intentional with our marriage, time, resources and money, and it helps make our marriage stronger.
My #1 most pinned post from 2014:
I’m a huge planner addict (and apparently I’m not the only one!) I love setting up a new planner and the fresh start it represents as the New Year approaches. Since I try to be intentional in my personal planning, there are a few things that I like to include to help set my year up for success.
My #1 favorite book: 
Just one? This is hard for a book lover but I would have to say that I will always love the Little House on a Prairie series. I love historical, pioneer fiction and what is more classic that joining the Ingalls on their journey? I devoured the books when I was girl and a few years ago I re-read the whole series (yes all the books) over an extended week long snow storm that kept me stranded in the house for days. Since this was prior to children, I had the luxury of spending my days camped out on the couch, cuddled up in PJs and blankets, drinking hot coffee and reading until my eyes surrendered to sleep. That a good week!
My #1 beauty product:
I can’t go anywhere without my Burt’s Bees lip balm. I don’t wear a lot of makeup but lip balm, even the tinted varieties, is my go-to product. I love Burt’s Bees because it’s natural, has a tingly feeling and doesn’t taste offensive. Plus it’s safe for me to share with my kids too when their lips get chapped.
My #1 favorite healthy recipe:
These fajitas are super easy to make, delicious, a family favorite and pretty healthy too (you can always serve them up with lettuce wraps to avoid the tortillas). We literally have this meal once, if not twice, a month! Plus I love to make freezer bags of these by placing all the raw veggies and chicken into a freezer bag and then when I’m ready to cook, I simply pull the bag out and dump into my baking dish for a quick and easy meal!
My #1 movie:
You’ve Got Mail, because it’s always been a dream of mine to have my own children’s book store, even though I secretly love the big, bad book store chain, Barnes and Noble.  It’s one of my favorite places to spend a quiet afternoon browsing.
My #1 family vacation:
Since my kids are still so young (ages 4, 2, and 2 weeks) we really haven’t taken a family vacation yet.  While my husband and I like to schedule weekend get-aways, the last real vacation where we went somewhere fun was our honeymoon to South Padre Island. A whole week of laying on the beach doing nothing after all the wedding business was perfectly heavenly.
We are currently saving up to take a family vacation in a few years when our kids are old enough to remember it and when we won’t need to pack diapers, bottles and strollers, that will be a real vacation!
My #1 place to spend money: 
Outside of a book store or Amazon (because they carry everything!), I would say Target would be the obvious choice. Otherwise what I like to call the “Mystery Store” because you go in for toilet paper, or something else equally boring, and come out with a whole basket full of goodness. It’s pretty safe to say that when I tell my husband I need to run to Target for something, he rolls his eyes!
My #1 personal mantra:
To live with simplicity, to be intentional (which also happens to be the mantra of my blog as well!) and to live life to the fullest.
My #1 goal for the new year: 
I’m taking a different approach to goal planning this year, more of a grace based approach to goal setting, since starting the New Year with the birth of my third baby. Instead of creating a long list of goals, I’m trying to live within my means of managing a family, initiating self care and pursuing my dream of growing my blog to provide a small income to help bless my family.
I haven’t actually had a chance to sit down and really create any specific, measurable goals for this year yet but I know that when I do I want to focus on my mantra of living simply and intentionally.