This resource is great for parents and Primary leaders! Download and print the Come Follow Me Primary Talks for November 2019 topics. Each talk is written with children in mind. They make speaking in church easy and fun.

primary talks

Printable Primary Talks for Leaders and Families

My husband has been involved in a special leadership training experience for the past few months at work. His team has traveled around the country and met with top industry men and women in both business and social settings. He attended a week-long leadership conference in Washington D.C. and has had personal mentorships from college professors and members of the military. It has been an incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Do you want to know what is interesting? The principles that are being taught in ivy league classrooms, around conference tables, and in lecture halls support the principles that are preached each Sunday at Latter-day Saint church buildings around the globe. The biggest companies and most successful people in the United States have found that living the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important factor to success. They just don’t realize that they are preaching the gospel. It is packaged as corporate training and life-mentoring strategies instead.

Why is there an overlap?

Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and truth is universal. It holds up under every circumstance: at home, at school, and at play. (Even a Sunbeam knows that!)

My husband’s work experience has increased my gratitude for membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From a young age I have been taught how to be like Jesus. I learned how to give a talk at a pulpit, plan a group activity, and to organize and conduct meetings. Members of the Church are taught to look out for their neighbors and care for people in need. We give money to charity, avoid debt, and save for the future. Gospel living is a lifetime of wholesome leadership and life training! What an amazing thing to be a part of.

One of my favorite ways that children learn and grow personally from activity in the Church of Jesus Christ is by speaking in Primary. Standing in front of a group of people to talk can be scary. It a special and sacred opportunity to do so. Learning to bear testimony is important! To do it as a child is a blessing. That is one reason why children are invited to speak. They build skills and habits that carry on with them to adulthood.

These primary talk templates are prepared to make the speaking experience fun and easy for parents and children.

There are four talks for the month of November. Each talk is written to support the principles taught in the Come Follow Me lesson for the week. Feel free to make adjustments to content and add a testimony at the end of the message. You can download a PDF version of the talk using the link provided at the end of the web content. If you are a Primary Leader and would like to download one file that contains all four Primary talks for the month of November click here. Thanks!

Primary Talk: Be A Good Example (Come Follow Me: November 3rd)

Printable Primary Talk about being a good example. Talk templates for leaders and families that are based on each week's Come Follow Me lesson. #PrimaryTalk #GoodExample #OSSS #LDS

During Christmas time, some people have an Elf on the Shelf. The Elf is a spy for Santa! He watches what happens in the house each day and then reports back to Santa Clause each night. The elf notices if the children are being naughty or nice.

We do not need an Elf on the Shelf watching over us to know that we should be nice. Jesus has asked us to be a good example! He wants us to live like He did.

The scriptures tell us to “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

That means, we should use good clean language, say kind words, help people when they need help, keep the commandments, listen to the Holy Ghost, and keep our covenants.

When we are a good example for others, it can help our friends and family to make good choices too. We can show that we believe in Jesus Christ by acting like Him. I hope that I can be an example of a believer and that I can make Jesus proud.

Download PDF Be a Good Example

Primary Talk: Have A Soft Heart (Come Follow Me: November 10th)

Printable Primary Talk about having a soft heart. Talk templates for leaders and families that are based on each week's Come Follow Me lesson. #PrimaryTalk #Bible #SoftHeart #OSSS #LDS

Put your hand on your heart. Can you feel it beating inside of your body? Hearts are really important. Your heart pumps blood through your whole body. The blood brings life to your organs. It keeps the body alive. We all want to have healthy hearts.

Did you know that your heart can be spiritually healthy or sick? It is true! The scriptures teach us to have a soft heart. Soft hearts are able to listen to the Holy Ghost. Soft hearts can change and become better with repentance. When you have a soft heart, you are humble and grateful.

A sick spiritual heart becomes hard. Hard hearts are not willing to listen to truth. They are like a rock. No matter what, the heart is not going to change to become more like Jesus. It is stuck.

I hope that we can exercise our spiritual hearts to keep them healthy! When we listen and obey it helps us have soft hearts. We can listen to the prophets, our parents, primary teachers, and other Church leaders. Spiritual hearts brings life to our Spirit. Let’s work to keep our Spirit happy with soft hearts.

Download PDF Have A Soft Heart

Primary Talk: Faith In God And Jesus Christ (Come Follow Me: November 17th)

Printable Primary Talk about having Faith in God and Jesus Christ. Talk templates for leaders and families that are based on each week's Come Follow Me lesson. #PrimaryTalk #Faith #God #Jesus #OSSS #LDS

Have you ever seen Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ? I have seen paintings at church and videos about them on the computer. I have read about God and Jesus in the scriptures. I even pray to Heavenly Father each day! But, I have never actually seen them in person with my own eyes or touched them with my hands.

Even though we can’t see them, we know they are real. That is called Faith. Faith is the first principle of the Gospel.

There is evidence of God and Jesus if we look for it. Jesus created the beautiful Earth. Joseph Smith saw them in the Sacred Grove. Many prophets have heard their voices. Miracles happen every day that point to their priesthood power!

When we learn about Jesus and Heavenly Father, we can feel the Holy Ghost testify of their goodness. The love we feel in our hearts helps us to know that they are there. I am glad that I have faith. It makes me happy to know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and a Savior who died for me!

I love them.

Download PDF Faith In God And Jesus Christ

Primary Talk: Ask Of God – The First Vision (Come Follow Me November 24th)

Printable Primary Talk about The First Vision. Talk templates for leaders and families that are based on each week's Come Follow Me lesson. #PrimaryTalk #JosephSmith #FirstVision #OSSS #LDS

When Joseph Smith was only 14 years old, he decided that he needed to know what was true. He wanted to know if God was real and what church to join. There were so many people talking about church and religion. Everything Joseph heard was different and confusing.

He found a scripture in the Bible that changed his whole life. It actually changed the entire world! It says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

Joseph Smith believed the words and went into the woods to pray. He had faith that Heavenly Father would answer the prayer.

A miracle happened that day in the Sacred Grove. God and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. They knew him and understood his confusion. God told Joseph that none of the churches were true. He asked Joseph to wait and not join any.

Later, Joseph Smith restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the Earth! He became the prophet. Joseph asked God in prayer for an answer. We can talk to Heavenly Father too! God answers all our prayers when we ask in faith.

Download PDF Ask Of God – The First Vision

If you liked these Primary Talks for November, check out:

How to Get a Free Book of Mormon: A great post for any “member missionary” to share online!

The Ultimate Collection of Quotes About Faith: Great quotes for church lessons and to share on social media.

Ideas for Encouraging Reverence In Church Class: Download and print these helpful ideas, and share with fellow teachers too!