I am SO excited to try this super cool family-friendly service to watch all Star Wars movies for just $1 each! Whether you’re hosting a Star Wars Marathon and don’t want to pay $20 bucks per movie (try $1.00!! each) or just want to watch awesome movies on the cheap with the option of filtering out inappropriate content, VidAngel is the service to try. They have so many movies available that you won’t find on Netflix! But, the most exciting thing happening right now… all Star Wars movies, ready to stream for super cheap!!
Basically, it’s a streaming service where you buy movies at full price, choose the content (if any) that you want filtered out, watch the movie and then “sell” it back to them for just $1 to $2 less per day that you keep it. So, you could buy Star Wars, watch it, instantly sell it back and it only cost you $1 or $2 bucks,depending on if you watch it in HD or not. I personally love the option to filter them! My boys will be pretty excited too… they’ve been asking to buy the package of Star Wars movies on Amazon but I haven’t wanted to pay that much. I love this!
Find out more or sign up for VidAngel RIGHT HERE!
Links to All Star Wars Movies on VidAngel:
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back