Hi my name is Heather Lynne, I live in Canada & have a blog called Raising Memories where I write about fun things that parents can do with and for their children. We have a lot of fun over there- you should come check us out! I love the blogging world of sharing ideas and experiences and I’m happy to be back here to share a fun party idea with you!
We had a Teddy Bear’s Picnic party for my daughter’s 5th birthday 🙂
Here’s what we did:
1. Each visitor received a party hat for themselves & a matching one for their Teddy Bear.
2. Gift bags included party blowers, teddy grahams, gummie bears, play doh, and silly bandz.
4. We played Musical Chairs (no losers- when you got “out” you went to get your face painted)
5. We also played “Hullabaloo” while waiting for parents to pick their kids up
6. We opened a big picnic basket to find dishes for each guest & their bear, and set up the picnic in the living room
7. We had the teddy bear cake!
8. We played “spin the rootbeer bottle” to decide which gift to open.
9. I marveled at how cute the kids were, watching Talia open her gifts. They were all so involved!
~ Heather
Mariel says
Really cute! What a fun memory for your daughter. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Wendy says
What a great idea! It gives hope for summer and spring picnics.
Angie says
I just had a teddy bear party for my daughters 5th birthday, its was a great choice because she had some boys she wanted at her party- we spared them all the girlie stuff… we did a lot of the same things. We decorated sugar cookies with tons of colorful sprinkles and gummy bears, they all enjoyed giving their bears a name tag. We put all the bears on a blanket and would shake till only one bear was left. Each child git to make a scarf or hat for their bear to take home. The pinata was a high light. Her party was a hit.
Allison says
I found your post while doing a google search for MY daughter Talia’s 4th birthday teddy bear party! how funny they have the same name.