The best primary talks for kids are printable talk templates based on the Come Follow Me lessons for Primary. This month’s topics are for September, however, they apply to any time of the year!
There are many parents with mixed feelings about the month of September. Summer break is over and school is in session! It is amazing how fast time goes by. This year, we were wondering if school would start with the Covid-19 situation in America and around the globe. Did your children go back to class? Are you teaching them at home? Is it a combination of both?
During the last few months, I was taught that the role of a teacher is so important.
When school was cancelled and I was tasked with becoming my own children’s teacher, I suddenly appreciated their regular teacher more than ever before. It is a huge responsibility to instruct, inspire, and lead. It takes patience and love. I am glad that my kids got to return to school this week and learn from professionals.
Public eduction was not the only formal instruction that was cancelled during March of 2020. Our church Primary classes were also cancelled. That meant that if I wanted my kids to learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus, it was up to me to teach it! I could no longer rely on the service of fellow church members. Good thing we (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints) were prepared! Our prophet gave us the tools to teach the gospel in our homes with the Come Follow Me curriculum. It was almost like he was inspired…
One of my favorite ways to teach my children is to let them be the teacher.
It is funny how that works! When children have to study and prepare to teach a lesson they get more out of the experience than just listening to me talk and preach! I have used these “Best Primary Talks for Kids” almost every week since we began our hiatus from official church meetings. My kids love standing at our make-shift pulpit to give a talk to our little family congregation. They like to be the teacher.
No matter if children are heading to church or having church on the living room sofa, they can still learn and be taught the principles of the gospel!
The topics this month are based on the Come Follow Me lessons for children in the Primary handbook. There is one talk for each Sunday of the month. You can download and print the PDF version (link in each section) or, read the talk right from this post on an electronic device. Stop by each month for updated primary talk templates.
Best Primary Talks: The Spirit Speaks To My Heart
How do you communicate? Right now I am talking to you with my mouth. We use our mouths when we talk on the phone or chat with friends. Some people use their hands to speak. It is called sign language. Hands can also be used to write a note, send a text, or type an email. Sometimes, I communicate with my face! I smile when I am happy and scowl when I am mad. There are so many ways to communicate.
The Holy Ghost has special ways He communicates with us. We have to learn how to listen and understand. The Book of Mormon teaches that the Holy Ghost sends feelings to our hearts. The quiet feelings are promptings to help us know what to do or what is right. The Holy Ghost is a special gift. With practice, we can learn how to understand His communication. It will keep us safe and on the right path back to God.
Download PDF: The Spirit Speaks To My Heart
The Best Primary Talks for Children: A Star Is Born
Have you ever been camping and looked up at the night sky? There are so many stars! Sometimes, you can see moving satellites, shooting stars, and airplane lights.
Before Jesus was born on the Earth, prophets told the people to watch for special signs. The signs would help them know when the time had come for his birth. It was not easy to wait. Some people lost faith and others got angry and felt like they had been lied to. But the people who watched and waited, were blessed. The time came when the signs came true. There was a night that never got dark and then a new star appeared in the sky. Everyone could look up and see proof that Jesus had been born. The prophets were telling the truth. When you look up at the stars in the sky, remember that Jesus always keeps his promises and that God is watching over you and guiding the way.
Easy Primary Talks: Jesus Is My Light
When Jesus came to Earth as a tiny baby, a new star appeared in the sky. It was a sign. The star was a symbol of light. It taught the people that Jesus is the Light of the World. When we follow Jesus and live like He did, we get to feel His special light. The Light of Christ can also be called happiness, peace, and joy. It is a good feeling inside of your heart. Jesus is our guiding light. When we follow His perfect example, we are able to stay on the path back to Heavenly Father.
When Jesus died it was very sad. There were earthquakes and storms. The sun did not shine. This happened so eveyone would know that the Light of the World was gone. It was a sign.
The words to I Am A Child Of God teach, “Lead me. Guide me. Walk beside me. Help me find the way.” We can live with Heavenly Father again when we follow the Light.
Download PDF: Jesus Is My Light
Primary Talk for Children: Build On The Rock
Have you heard the story of the wise man and the foolish man? There is a song about it! The foolish man built his house upon the sand. The wise man built his house upon a rock. Which house was able to make it though the rain storm without washing away? Do you want to guess? The man who built his house on the rock was wise because rock is a solid foundation. Rock is hard and unmovable. It is secure. It does not shift or slide with rain and wind. Sand just washes away.
The scriptures teach that Jesus is our rock. That means that Jesus will always be there for us. He is steady and dependable. When we build a life based on His teachings and His Gospel we are like the wise man! I am glad that Jesus is always there for me. It makes me feel safe. I know that my foundation is strong.
Download PDF: Build On The Rock
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