I know school is almost over for most of you, and although I intended this activity to be for homeschool, I can see us playing it all year long.  It’s nothing fancy, just BINGO…awesome BINGO.  I’ve always got my eye out for really great educational products for kids, and while browsing the daily Zulily deals, I saw these really neat BINGO sets for half off.  They’re from Lucy Hammett Games and each set is based around a certain theme, like: birds, weather, wildflowers, oceans, body, butterfly, art, and soooo many more!  You play it like you would any other BINGO game, but the kids are actually learning with these.  Yay!  Not only can they learn from the pictures alone, but on the back of each card is a little description/facts about what is on front.

The first time we played, we used jelly beans as the markers.  Mistake.  Nobody could keep them on the board and out of their mouths!  Plus, there was nothing too exciting about winning.  SOOOOO, we used the boring little chips that came in the box as markers, and whoever won the game got to choose 20 jelly beans.  Everyone that lost got 10.  Way more fun!


Here’s Shane.  Clearly, he had eaten too much sugar.  He won like 3 times in a row!


These cards are from the Ocean game.  I should have snagged a picture of the back-side, so you could see the educational info on the back.  Darn.  So, every time I call out a card, I also read the back to the kids.  If they are the winner, they have to take a minute to tell me everything they can remember learning about the items in the squares that was their BINGO.  Several of the other games have real pictures, rather than drawings, which is definitely more ideal, but not really a problem, by any means.  We have loved every one of these!


Caden takes ten years to choose his jelly beans.  Makes everyone nuts.  He has to find he exact right flavors and compare them to the chart on the back of the bin.  He scavenges for Dr. Pepper, toasted marshmallow, and pear.  We hate when he wins.


Belles is impatiently awaiting her jelly bean turn.  Come on, Caden!!


Joey doesn’t give a rat about BINGO.  He’s happy playing Angry Bird and stealing jelly beans.  See that ouchy-mama on his nose and forehead??  Sad.


Anyway, love these games.  Love educational stuff.  Love playing with my kids.  The end.

Oh, for more educational picks and ideas, check out my Educational Page.  For top book picks for kids, check out the Books for Kids page!

Lastly, for all you Utah readers.  Anyone taking their kiddos to a Day Out With Thomas this Memorial Day weekend??  My little Joey is an absolute Thomas NUT.  I’m sooo there and excited to see his reaction when he sees the real Thomas!  If you’re interested in going, here’s the scoop: It’s May 24 – 27 at the Heber Valley Railroad (250 South 600 West).  The kids can take a 25 minute ride on the Thomas train, meet Sir Topham Hatt, and enjoy a bunch of fun activities.
Tickets are $18, but I also have a 4 pack to give away.  If you want to enter, just leave a comment on this post, saying something about entering the Thomas giveaway (and how my blog rocks your world).  I’ll randomly pick a winner on Thursday morning.  Remember only enter if you actually can go this coming holiday weekend.