New Primary Talk Templates for the Book of Mormon! Easy talks for children to use while speaking in church.

I am so excited to start studying the Book of Mormon in Primary this year. For some reason The Book of Mormon feels easier to teach than the Bible. We just received our Come Follow Me Study Guides for Individuals and Families and I am committed to sharing the lessons with my family each week.

The Book of Mormon Primary Talk Templates for January 2020

I have the opportunity to teach the 4-year old class in Primary. The lessons that are written for the young children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the best! They are my favorite because the messages are short and clear. Each section is easy to understand. I am reminded, each week, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. It is not complicated and mysterious. We can gain a testimony by learning the basic truths that are taught in Primary! I love that.

This year, each Book of Mormon Primary Talk template will be based on the lesson in the Primary Come Follow Me manual.

Children of The Church of Jesus Christ have been asked to give a one-minute talk in opening exercises that supports the Come Follow Me topic of the week. These templates make that assignment easy.

Please use the format that is best for your situation. You can download and print the PDF file that is attached in each section. Or, you are welcome to read the talk directly from this article on your electronic device. I have done that before when I forgot my child had a speaking assignment. It worked great!

Primary Leaders are invited to download the complete set of talks for January here. This file contains all four separate talks. It is a great resource to have on hand for when a child forgets his or her talk or when the assigned speaker is absent.


Primary Talk Template: The Book of Mormon – January 5th

Did you know that the Book of Mormon is the most important book on Earth? It was given to us so we can learn about Jesus Christ and have faith in Him. The words on the front cover say, “Another testament of Jesus Christ.” That means that the stories and teachings in the book teach us that Jesus is real.

Sometimes reading scriptures can be hard because the words are different and the language is so formal. But, with a little bit of practice and effort it is possible! We just have to try. Even when I don’t understand the message, the feeling I get from the Book of Mormon is good. I know that the Holy Ghost is teaching me about Jesus.

I hope that we can all study the Book of Mormon this year. I know that Heavenly Father will bless us for doing what is right.

Download PDF Version (The Book of Mormon) Here

Book of Mormon Primary Talk template about the importance of the Book of Mormon. #OSSS #BOM #LDS #BookOfMormon #PrimaryTalk

Book of Mormon Primary Talk Template: I Will Go And Do – January 12th

I like the story in the Book of Mormon about when Nephi and his brothers get the Golden Plates. They have to work really hard to find a way to get the Golden Plates from Laben. Nephi’s brothers want to quit, but Nephi doesn’t give up.

Nephi was able to keep trying because he had a testimony. He knew that what his father, the prophet, had asked them to do was actually Heavenly Father’s will. Because Nephi had his own testimony, he had the desire to succeed.

I want to be like Nephi and have a testimony of the Gospel. I can gain a testimony by saying prayers and asking Heavenly Father to send warm feelings to my heart. I can also gain a testimony by doing what is right, and then seeing how I feel.

When we have a testimony is makes us strong like Nephi. We can do whatever we are asked to do because we know Heavenly Father and want to make Him happy.

Download PDF Version (I Will Go And Do) Here

Book of Mormon Primary Talk Template about being like Nephi. Why we need a testimony of the Gospel. #BookofMormon #PrimaryTalk #GoAndDo #Nephi #OSSS

Primary Talk from The Book Of Mormon: The Love of God – January 19th

What is the most yummy thing you have ever eaten? Do you like candy, or french fries, or watermelon? Picture something you love to eat. Is just thinking about it making you want to eat it?

In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi has a dream. In the dream he finds a tree with very special fruit. The fruit is the most delicious thing he has ever eaten! He loves it. It makes him happy. Lehi wants to share it with his family.

The dream wasn’t really about fruit. It is a symbol for the Love of God. The Holy Ghost was teaching Lehi that the Love of God is better than anything else in the world. Even better than a chocolate chip cookie.

We are so lucky that we know Heavenly Father loves us. That knowledge can fill us with joy. It brings happiness…just like eating your favorite treat. God’s love is the very best! I hope we can all fill our lives with it every day.

Download PDF Version (The Love of God) Here

Primary Talk Template for a lesson on The Love Of God. This simple message teaches about how much God loves each child. #OSSS #PrimaryTalk #LoveofGod #BookofMormon #ComeFollowMe

Primary Talk Template: Jesus Loves Me – January 26th

Jesus is an important part of Heavenly Father’s plan for us. Jesus came to Earth to be an example for us to follow. He came to teach the World about Heaven. He died for us. Without Jesus, we couldn’t live with God again. He is our Savior. That means he saved us!

Think of someone that you love a whole bunch. It might be your mom or dad or your sister or brother. Do you have a person that makes your heart feel full and warm? Do you love somebody to the moon and back? I do!

Heavenly Father and Jesus love us even more than that. Can you even imagine? Jesus died for you and me because his love is so big he would do anything to help us.

When we read the scriptures, it shows our gratitude for His gift.  The scriptures teach us about Christ’s life and help us to gain a testimony of His teachings. I am glad I have the Book of Mormon to teach me even more things about Jesus. I know it is true.

Download PDF Version (Jesus Loves Me) Here

Jesus Loves Me Book Of Mormon Primary Talk Template. #OSSS #BOM #Jesus #PrimaryTalk #ComeFollowMe

I hope these Book of Mormon Primary Talk Templates are helpful for you and your family! We post new message each month, so be sure to come back again. Thank you!