Hi there! We are The Letter 4! Four sisters that grew up stealing each others clothes, hogging the bathroom, staying up till 3 laughing, and always doing projects together. Now we have grown and moved away from each other and honestly, we miss it! Our blog is a place we can share with each other again. We share outfits, recipes, ideas, crafts, printables with each other and with all of our readers too! We love being able to feel close to one another again despite the distance and being able to connect with everyone that also reads our blog. We are so happy to be able to share one of our posts here today on Or so she says…
Eggs Benedict
My favorite breakfast food. Hands down. And, no, I did not run to catch a moving truck on my wedding day. 😉 In, fact my hubby and I have always made this together. Never without each other. It’s a favorite pastime. I love ya, babe!
What you need:
One cute husband 😀
English muffins, separated and toasted
Slices of thin ham or canadian bacon
Mock Hollandaise Sauce:
(we like this better than the real stuff!)
(we like this better than the real stuff!)
Eggs Benedict (she: Jamie, Julianna, Jade & Janae)
- Miracle whip
- Lite sour cream
- Mustard
- Lemon juice
- Optional: skim milk to thin
Mix all ingredients well, except milk.
After all the ingredients are combined well, add a little milk at a time to reach your desired consistency.
First, make the sauce. Turn it on a very low heat just to keep it warm and stir it every now and then.
Sizzle your ham or canadian bacon in a pan for a couple of minutes on each side.
Poach your eggs
Don’t have an egg poacher? Try this! It will do in a pinch.
Boil a couple inches of water in a 12″ high sided skillet. When it’s boiling turn it down a bit so it’s not such an active boil. Crack your egg into a ladle or a measuring cup without breaking the yolk. Lower the cup into the boiling water slowly and gently, tipping the egg out into the water.
Your eggs will look like this, and you will probably think there is no way this is going to work. Have a little faith in me! 😉 I usually put four eggs in a 12″ pan at a time.
Cook for about 3 minutes for the yolk to be runny. About 5 minutes for a harder yolk. Then carefully scoop it out with a slotted spoon and it will look like this. A beautifully poached egg! Magic!
Put them out on some paper towels to drain.
Now layer them! Start with the toasted english muffin, then the ham, then the egg, then top it with some sauce and paprika. Serve with orange juice or orange slices and enjoy with someone you love!