Ready for some Family Night fun?!
Hello again! It’s Veronica and I’m so happy to be back to share a fun Family Night idea with you! I’ve been thinking a lot about family lately. We’ve recently moved and I’ve noticed how the stress and chaos of it all has started to affect our family. We’ve had more contention, less patience and you know the rest of the story. We all have those periods of time in our families.
One night recently, we sat down as a family and I asked the simple question, “What makes a strong family?”. One by one we talked about that question and made some decisions of things we could do to strengthen our family. That sparked an idea for a Family Night, so that’s what I’m going to share with you this month.
What are some challenges that weaken a family? (selfishness, pride, unwillingness to forgive, sarcasm, jealousy, anger, etc.)
Show your family a bag of chocolate chips. Explain that chocolate chips were designed to retain their shaped when baking. Even when placed in great heat, they don’t completely melt, but in many ways they stand up to the heat and hold their shape.
Point out that we live in a world that puts our families to the test. It’s a world that adds “heat”. It tests our limits, it tests our love for each other, it tests our willingness to forgive and to be kind. The world teaches us to look out for only ourselves. And second point for strong family is to have home, this is what brings family together and everyone share their experiences and thoughts, but do you have insurance for your home if something bad happens. If water pipe breaks then you need a restoration companies to restore your home and you better be ready to have insurance otherwise it can be expensive.
“Strong family relationships don’t just happen. It takes time. It takes commitment, it takes prayer, and it takes work.” W. Eugene Hansen
Our families were meant to be like chocolate chips. We were given all that we need to withstand the “heat” of this life, if we work together.
Have each family member answer the question, “What makes a strong family?”
Explain that your family has the chance to work together to be stronger. Talk about the above quote and challenge each member of your family to recommit to building a strong family. Explain that the things that are most important sometimes take the most work. Challenge everyone to pray and ask God to help them do those things or make changes that will help strengthen the family. When we make a plan to accomplish things that are important, we are more likely to succeed. Set some goals as a family, write them down and put them somewhere everyone can see. Remind each other in a couple of days and track your progress.
Pour some chocolate chips in a bowl. Place an empty bowl next to it. Give each person a straw. Give everyone one minute to see how many chocolate chips they can transfer from one bowl to the other by sucking through their straw. Count chocolate chips and announce the champion at the end.
Remind everyone that when a decision to be a strong family is made, and everyone is willing to work hard at it, you will be strong. There are things everyone can do that will help. We can forgive. We can have open communication. We can be honest, kind and patient with the weaknesses of each other. But, most importantly we can make God a part of all we do. When we seek His help and involve Him in the process of creating a strong family, we cannot fail. Of that I am certain.
To remind your family of this week’s lesson, simply print this out and display it somewhere in your home.
For a yummy treat, make your favorite batch of chocolate chip cookies and remind them of the chocolate chip. Encourage each family member to hold their shape against the “heat” of the world, but to also help your family to hold it’s shape and to be strong and united.
Don’t have a favorite recipe? You might want to try these! They are delicious!
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies
Have a GREAT month! See you next time!
For more family night ideas, try these posts on OSSS:
Finding Peace in a Troubled World
Respecting Police Officers – Family Night Lessons
Family Night Lesson: Tied Together As a Family