Here is a little object lesson that helps to demonstrate the need to show kindness always. It's a great idea for your next family night!
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Teaching Kids Kindness – Family Night Lesson

We may not always know when our friends or family are feeling sad. People are good at pretending and putting on a show of happiness. Remember, we don’t have signs up declaring to the world what troubles are going on inside. Here is a little object lesson that helps to demonstrate the need to show kindness always.

December 2017 Visiting Teaching Message - Get the free printable at
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December 2017 Visiting Teaching – A Free Printable to Share! (she: Jeri)

For those of you who aren’t members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I hope you can use these quotes and scriptures as well. Most of the subjects are universal Christian subjects and the quotes and scriptures are inspiring and helpful for everyone!

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth. And you don't have to be LDS to attend! In this post, get 17 Activity Days ideas for the month of November.
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17 November Activity Days Ideas – For Girls Ages 8-11

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth. And you don’t have to be LDS to attend! In this post, get 17 Activity Days ideas for the month of November.

November 2017 Visiting Teaching Message - Get the free printable at
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November 2017 Visiting Teaching Message – Two Free Printable Sizes! (she: Jeri)

For those of you who aren’t members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I hope you can use these quotes and scriptures as well. Most of the subjects are universal Christian subjects and the quotes and scriptures are inspiring and helpful for everyone!

This family night lesson is all about having strong spiritual roots to withstand the winds the whirl into our lives. Get all the lesson info at
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Winds of the World -Grow Spiritual Roots Family Night Lesson (she: Adelle)

The wise little pig built a house of bricks to keep the Big Bad Wolf at bay. What can we do to stay protected from the destructive spiritual winds in our lives? This family night lesson will help you find ways to build a solid brick-like foundation that will not fail.

October 2017 Visiting Teaching Message - Get the free printable at
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October 2017 Visiting Teaching Message – Free Printable! (she: Jeri)

For those of you who aren’t members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I hope you can use these quotes and scriptures as well. Most of the subjects are universal Christian subjects and the quotes and scriptures are inspiring and helpful for everyone!

If your kids started school recently like mine did, I have a feeling that you are going to know why this Family Night lesson popped into my head this week. It is about attitude! Not just any attitude. An attitude like Nephi's. Get the lesson on
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Building A Bow Like Nephi – Family Night Lesson (she: Adelle)

When faced with a job, chore, or trial, we can choose to be like Nephi. He was a man who would “Go and do.” He didn’t murmur or complain. Because he made a habit of being a man of action and faith his life was blessed with joy and prosperity. When we look at our wooden bows, we can remember to emulate the Nephi the Book of Mormon prophet.

September 2017 Visiting Teaching Message - Get the free printable at
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September 2017 Visiting Teaching Message – Free Printable for Your Use! (she: Jeri)

For those of you who aren’t members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I hope you can use these quotes and scriptures as well. Most of the subjects are universal Christian subjects and the quotes and scriptures are inspiring and helpful for everyone!

This Family Night Lesson is about the Power of Words. How they can be used to uplift or damage. Teach your family to speak with kindness! Get all the lesson info on the blog:
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The Power of Words – Family Night Lesson on Language (she: Adelle)

Take a moment to use your powerful words to remind your family how much you love them. Point out their strengths and thank them for participating. Bear your testimony about how clean, positive, and uplifting language can invite the Holy Ghost into your life and make a positive impact for good!

Today on the blog, Elise shares how motherhood started to feel too heavy for her, and how she overcame that and learned to enjoy it again. Read all about it on the blog:
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How I Learned to Enjoy Motherhood Again (she: Elise)

Why didn’t other moms feel warm and fuzzy about their kids like I felt about mine? I smiled to myself as I thought, “Oh, that is so sad. I’m so glad that I have this whole mom thing together, and love my little girl so much.” Most of all, I thought that I must be doing something right and they must be doing something wrong. I totally judged! Read the post to find out how my perspective changed.