Use this free Easter egg printable to host a neighborhood Easter egg hunt during social distancing. Make Easter fun and festive with this easy and safe community activity.

Social distancing has become a way of life over the course a few short weeks! The relatively new term is on everybody’s mind. It has been incredible to watch communities band together in support of the cause to keep COVID-19 from spreading. People are staying home to protect each other from illness and suffering. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun together in new ways!

This Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt is designed to help families enjoy a little bit of normalcy during this time of crisis.

Decorated Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt printable. Host a fun Easter Egg Hunt during Social Distancing.

How To Host A Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt While Social Distancing

Every year, my family participates in a real live neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Each family donates eggs to the hunt coordinator in advance. The hiding crew covers our local park with the colorful prized-filled eggs! At the count of three, all of the neighborhood kids go wild collecting eggs for their baskets. Parents chat and socialize while the children sort their prizes and eat jelly beans and chocolate peanut butter cups! It is such a fun morning for our neighborhood.

This year, the hunt has been cancelled. It would be impossible for us to gather together without causing trouble. So, I decided to create a new way to host a neighborhood Easter egg hunt! And you all ALL invited to participate! It can be a global hunt. I’m excited to get things started. On the count of three..1, 2, 3, GO!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt Printable File

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt Activity and Printable

Download Easter Printable and Decorate

To play, click the link to download the Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt printable. It is free! Print the file onto regular printer paper. It just uses black ink, to help keep your costs low. You can deliver a paper to your neighbors with a little not explaining the activity, or use email and social media to spread the word! You can share the link so your friends and family can download and print their own copy. My neighborhood has a Facebook Group that we use for communication. That would be a perfect platform to get your own neighborhood Easter egg hunt rolling.

Let your kids color the printable. There are lots of designs and shapes on the eggs to allow for creativity. Each person will decorate their own eggs in a special and unique way. That is what makes it fun. You could make them really fancy with glitter pens or by adding details with sparkles or beads. There is plenty of time for crafting right now! Am I right?!

Color the PDF for your Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt during Social Distancing

Display and Hunt for Paper Eggs

Hang the finished egg papers in a window so the pattern is facing out. It should be placed in a window that is easily seen from the outside of the house. Preferably in the front. Everyone who is participating should hang their eggs so they are ready and on display for Easter weekend! We put ours up in our front door window. It makes me happy every time I see it.

Display the Egg Hunt picture in a window

To participate in the hunt, simply go for a walk! You can take a notebook along and make a tally of how many paper eggs you can find in your own neighborhood. Parents can offer prizes to their own children for playing. For example, if your child finds 20 houses with eggs hanging in the window, they get 20 jelly beans as a reward. Or, something along those lines.

DOWNLOAD: Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt Printable

I hope that this Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt will help make your Easter holiday festive and meaningful. I know that social distancing has caused fear and loneliness for many. However, we have so much to be grateful for at this time. The message of Easter is one of hope and new beginnings. It is the perfect message for our current situation. This time of separation will pass. The Light will come. Lasting peace is always available through faith in Jesus Christ and His perfect gospel. I know that He is ready to shoulder our burdens and make them His own. Let’s rely on Christ and support and lift each other during this season of uncertainty.

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