Hi OSSS readers, it’s Aimee here from The Elephant of Surprise. I’m happy to be back with you again this month!
Did you know that February was National Bird Feeding Month? Although February has already almost come and gone, this fun pine cone bird feeder craft is something your kids will love! It’s easy and fun to make, and of course the best part is watching all the pretty birdies gather for the feast.
What you’ll need for the bird feeders: pine cones, yarn, peanut butter, a popsicle stick, bird seed, and a paper plate.
Tie a piece of yarn to the top of a pine cone. You’ll want the yarn long enough to tie to a branch of a tree later on. After that, let your kiddos slather on peanut butter, making sure to get it in all the little crevices of the pine cone. Pour bird seed on a plate and let the kids roll the pine cones in the seed until it’s all covered.
Now it’s ready to hang!
My kids and I first made these at a class the Tracy Aviary in Salt Lake puts on. If you are local to SLC, you should definitely look into the Little Chicks classes. My boys love checking out all the birds at the aviary–it’s such a fun place.
We hung our bird feeders outside our kitchen window on a tree, and it’s so exciting for the boys to see the birds come and actually eat what they made.