Disney Mulan Inspired Activity ~ Lunar New Year Wishing Wall

Disney Mulan Inspired Activity ~ Lunar New Year Wishing Wall

While Chinese New Year may be over, it’s never too late to try this Disney Mulan inspired activity. The new Mulan movies releases March 27, 2020, so you have plenty of time to make this a part of your family’s viewing party. Disney Mulan Inspired Activity Hello everyone! It’s Adelle on behalf of Get Away…

Butterfly Finger Puppet ~ Adorable Nature Project!

Butterfly Finger Puppet ~ Adorable Nature Project!

Hi there! It’s Amy from While Wearing Heels and I’m back to share another fun DIY project….for the kids!

To make your own butterfly finger puppets gather the following supplies: cardstock, pencil, twigs, flower petals, leaves, glue stick and scissors. Begin by arranging your leaves onto the cardstock to resemble a butterfly shape. Trace around your leaves and cut your butterfly shape out of the cardstock. Fold the butterfly in half. Cut 2 lines into the center, over the fold, creating a loop to place your finger inside. Using your glue stick, glue the leaves down onto the butterfly shape cutout.

If you’re looking to make your next Disney vacation even more “super”, you’ll want to be sure to check out the Incredibles movie countdown chain in today's post. With Pixar Fest in full-swing at the Disneyland Resort, you’ll be able to have the most “Incredible” summer yet! Get the free Incredibles printables on the blog today: www.orsoshesays.com #theincrediblesmovie #theincrediblesmoviecountdownchain #countdownchair #theincrediblesprintables #printables #disney #pixar #disneyland #pixarfest #ldsblogger #lds #blogger #mormonblogger #mormon #familyfun #familyvacation
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The Incredibles Movie Countdown Chain – Free Incredibles Printables!

If you’re looking to make your next Disney vacation even more “super”, you’ll want to be sure to check out the Incredibles movie countdown chain in today’s post. With Pixar Fest in full-swing at the Disneyland Resort, you’ll be able to have the most “Incredible” summer yet! Get the free Incredibles printables on the blog today.

We've gathered 16 super cool LDS Activity Days ideas just for you! Check out the blog: www.orsoshesays.com #LDSActivityDaysIdeas #LDSActivityDays #LDSActivities #ActivityDaysIdeas #MayActivityDaysIdeas #ActivitiesforTweens #MothersDay #LDS #LDSBlogger #Mormon #MormonBlogger
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LDS Activity Days Ideas! 16 Awesome Ideas for May

Activity Days is a program ran by the LDS church for girls ages 8-11. The activities include fun and entertaining lessons for the girls that build testimonies, strengthen families, and foster unity and personal growth. They are typically held twice a month, and all girls ages 8-11 are welcome to attend, whether or not they’re…

18 December Activity Days Ideas!
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18 December Activity Days Ideas!

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth.  And guess what?  You don’t have to be LDS to attend!  I found 18 December Activity Days ideas that are perfect for the month.  Trust me, they are so awesome you’ll wish you could hold activities every week!

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth. And you don't have to be LDS to attend! In this post, get 17 Activity Days ideas for the month of November. www.orsoshesays.com
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17 November Activity Days Ideas – For Girls Ages 8-11

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth. And you don’t have to be LDS to attend! In this post, get 17 Activity Days ideas for the month of November.