Hi OSSS readers! Anne here, back with a printable Valentine tag for ya.

I think that I am with almost all other crafters out there when I scream, from the mountain tops, how much I love the Target Dollar Spot.  I mean, can you ever make it 20 yards in before getting sucked in, regardless of what you went in there for in the first place?  They always have such cute, seasonal things to create with.  A couple of weeks ago I was in there, and how on Earth I was even thinking about Valentine’s Day ideas at that moment is beyond me.  But I saw all of those cute post-it notes and the mini pens, and it just happened.

printable valentine tag

Stuck on you.  Ok, go ahead.  Sing the Elvis song for a moment.  I will wait.


Ok.  So how easy is this little Valentine?  A post-it pad.  A mini gel pen.  Some baker’s twine.  And this sweet and simple Valentine’s Day tag you which can download HERE.



YES!  I don’t know about the kids in your life, but mine just love pens.  And paper.  And using as much of both as possible.  If that paper sticks, or there is something sticky involved at all, even better!  So naturally, these Valentines seemed super appropriate!


I am still singing Elvis over here.


I hope you have a great Valentine’s Day!  If you are looking for some other catchy Valentine’s Day printables, here is another one of my favorites I did last year!  Check out those cool shades!


I only have eyes for you Valentine’s Day Printable

Enjoy, and see ya next time!