30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

It’s summertime and that means weddings GALORE! If you’ve been asked to, or even offered to, throw a bridal shower before you know that coming up with ideas to make it fun and enjoyable can be a little challenging. You want the bride and the guests to have a good time! I’m sure we’ve all been to those showers where the whole time, in the back of your head, you’re thinking, How soon can I leave without seeming rude…? I’m hoping these bridal shower ideas will take your guests from When can I leave? to, Dang! This girl can really throw a bridal shower! Is she for hire?! 😉

Simple way to upcycle baby food jars (she: Emily)
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Simple way to upcycle baby food jars (she: Emily)

Well hello there Or So She Says readers! I’m Emily and you can usually find me on my blog, Finding My Aloha. I am a blissfully happy young wife and mother. Interior design is my main passion but I love to design and create through just about any medium. I am a military spouse and…